Neeraj Gupta
Neeraj Gupta
在 battelle.org 的电子邮件经过验证
A review of the aqueous electrochemical reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons at copper
M Gattrell, N Gupta, A Co
Journal of electroanalytical Chemistry 594 (1), 1-19, 2006
Calculation for the cathode surface concentrations in the electrochemical reduction of CO2 in KHCO3 solutions
N Gupta, M Gattrell, B MacDougall
Journal of applied electrochemistry 36 (2), 161-172, 2006
Transmission of CO2—safety and economic considerations
J Gale, J Davison
Energy 29 (9-10), 1319-1328, 2004
Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons to store renewable electrical energy and upgrade biogas
M Gattrell, N Gupta, A Co
Energy conversion and Management 48 (4), 1255-1265, 2007
Permeable barriers for groundwater remediation
AR Gavaskar, N Gupta, B Sass, R Janosy, D OSullivan
Battelle Press, Columbus, OH (United States), 1998
Design guidance for application of permeable reactive barriers for groundwater remediation
A Gavaskar, N Gupta, B Sass, R Janosy, J Hicks
Columbus, OH, 157pp, 2000
Geomechanical aspects of CO2 sequestration in a deep saline reservoir in the Ohio River Valley region
A Lucier, M Zoback, N Gupta, TS Ramakrishnan
Environmental Geosciences 13 (2), 85-103, 2006
Carbon dioxide capture and geologic storage: a core element of a global energy technology strategy to address climate change
JJ Dooley, RT Dahowski, CL Davidson, MA Wise, N Gupta, SH Kim, ...
PNNL, Richland, WA, 2006
An integrated modeling framework for carbon management technologies
AB Rao, ES Rubin, MB Berkenpas
Carnegie Mellon University (US), 2004
Hydrogeologic modeling for permeable reactive barriers
N Gupta, TC Fox
Journal of Hazardous materials 68 (1-2), 19-39, 1999
Issues related to seismic activity induced by the injection of CO2 in deep saline aquifers
J Sminchak, N Gupta, C Byrer, P Bergman
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2001
A CO2-storage supply curve for North America and its implications for the deployment of carbon dioxide capture and storage systems
JJ Dooley, RT Dahowski, CL Davidson, S Bachu, N Gupta, J Gale
Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7, 593-601, 2005
Method of separating carbon dioxide from a gas mixture using a fluid dynamic instability
BM Sass, JH Saunders, BF Monzyk, RH Barnes Jr, N Gupta, PR Webb
US Patent 6,582,498, 2003
Building the cost curves for CO2 storage: North America
RT Dahowski, JJ Dooley, CL Davidson, S Bachu, N Gupta
IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, Cheltenham, UK, 2005
Capstone report on the application, monitoring, and performance of permeable reactive barriers for groundwater remediation: Volume 1. Performance evaluations at two sites
RT Wilkin, RW Puls
DIANE Publishing, 2003
Reactive transport modeling of CO2 and SO2 injection into deep saline formations and their effect on the hydraulic properties of host rocks
DH Bacon, BM Sass, M Bhargava, J Sminchak, N Gupta
Energy Procedia 1 (1), 3283-3290, 2009
Engineering and economic assessment of carbon dioxide sequestration in saline formations
LA Smith, N Gupta, BM Sass, TA Bubenik, C Byrer, P Bergman
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2001
Aspects of induced seismic activity and deep-well sequestration of carbon dioxide
J Sminchak, N Gupta
Environmental Geosciences 10 (2), 81-89, 2003
Carbon dioxide capture and geologic storage
JJ Dooley, RT Dahowski, CL Davidson, MA Wise, N Gupta, SH Kim, ...
A technology report from the second phase of the Global Energy Technology …, 2006
Seismic detection of CO2 leakage along monitoring wellbores
M Bohnhoff, MD Zoback, L Chiaramonte, JL Gerst, N Gupta
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 4 (4), 687-697, 2010
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