Jeffrey Kent Gillan
Jeffrey Kent Gillan
University of Arizona Remote Sensing Center
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Modeling vegetation heights from high resolution stereo aerial photography: An application for broad-scale rangeland monitoring
JK Gillan, JW Karl, M Duniway, A Elaksher
Journal of environmental management 144, 226-235, 2014
Integrating drone imagery with existing rangeland monitoring programs
JK Gillan, JW Karl, WJD van Leeuwen
Environmental monitoring and assessment 192 (5), 269, 2020
Fine-resolution repeat topographic surveying of dryland landscapes using UAS-based structure-from-motion photogrammetry: Assessing accuracy and precision against traditional …
JK Gillan, JW Karl, A Elaksher, MC Duniway
Remote Sensing 9 (5), 437, 2017
Spatial patterns of grassland–shrubland state transitions: A 74‐year record on grazed and protected areas
DM Browning, J Franklin, SR Archer, JK Gillan, DP Guertin
Ecological Applications 24 (6), 1421-1433, 2014
Estimating forage utilization with drone-based photogrammetric point clouds
JK Gillan, MP McClaran, TL Swetnam, P Heilman
Rangeland Ecology & Management 72 (4), 575-585, 2019
Spatially explicit rangeland erosion monitoring using high-resolution digital aerial imagery
JK Gillan, JW Karl, NN Barger, A Elaksher, MC Duniway
Rangeland Ecology & Management 69 (2), 95-107, 2016
Considerations for achieving cross-platform point cloud data fusion across different dryland ecosystem structural states
TL Swetnam, JK Gillan, TT Sankey, MP McClaran, MH Nichols, P Heilman, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 2144, 2018
Discovering ecologically relevant knowledge from published studies through geosemantic searching
JW Karl, JE Herrick, RS Unnasch, JK Gillan, EC Ellis, WG Lutters, ...
BioScience 63 (8), 674-682, 2013
Interpretation of high-resolution imagery for detecting vegetation cover composition change after fuels reduction treatments in woodlands
JW Karl, JK Gillan, NN Barger, JE Herrick, MC Duniway
Ecological indicators 45, 570-578, 2014
Geographic searching for ecological studies: a new frontier
JW Karl, JK Gillan, JE Herrick
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 28 (7), 383-384, 2013
Innovations to expand drone data collection and analysis for rangeland monitoring
JK Gillan, GE Ponce‐Campos, TL Swetnam, A Gorlier, P Heilman, ...
Ecosphere 12 (7), e03649, 2021
Using spatial statistics and point‐pattern simulations to assess the spatial dependency between greater sage‐grouse and anthropogenic features
JK Gillan, EK Strand, JW Karl, KP Reese, T Laninga
Wildlife Society Bulletin 37 (2), 301-310, 2013
Remotely sensed changes in vegetation cover distribution and groundwater along the lower Gila River
K Hartfield, WJD Leeuwen, JK Gillan
Land 9 (9), 326, 2020
CyVerse: Cyberinfrastructure for open science
TL Swetnam, PB Antin, R Bartelme, A Bucksch, D Camhy, G Chism, I Choi, ...
PLoS Computational Biology 20 (2), e1011270, 2024
Estimating forage utilization with drone-based photogrammetric point clouds. Rangel. Ecol. Manag. 72, 575–585
JK Gillan, MP McClaran, TL Swetnam, P Heilman
Innovations to expand drone data collection and analysis for rangeland monitoring. Ecosphere 12, e03649
JK Gillan, GE Ponce-Campos, TL Swetnam, A Gorlier, P Heilman, ...
Spatially explicit rangeland erosion monitoring using high-resolution digital aerial imagery. Rangeland Ecol Manage 69: 95–107
J Gillan, JW Karl, NN Barger, A Elaksher, MC Duniway
A novel spectral index to identify cacti in the sonoran desert at multiple scales using multi-sensor hyperspectral data acquisitions
K Hartfield, JK Gillan, CL Norton, C Conley, WJD van Leeuwen
Land 11 (6), 786, 2022
JournalMap: geo-semantic searching for relevant knowledge
JW Karl, RS Unnasch, JE Herrick, J Gillan
Ecological Society of America Proceedings, 2012
Sage-grouse habitat in Idaho
JK Gillan, EK Strand
University of Idaho, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiement Station, 2010
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