Konstantinos C. Apostolakis
Konstantinos C. Apostolakis
在 ics.forth.gr 的电子邮件经过验证
Multimodal student engagement recognition in prosocial games
A Psaltis, KC Apostolakis, K Dimitropoulos, P Daras
IEEE Transactions on Games 10 (3), 292-303, 2017
Multimodal affective state recognition in serious games applications
A Psaltis, K Kaza, K Stefanidis, S Thermos, KC Apostolakis, ...
2016 ieee international conference on imaging systems and techniques (ist …, 2016
X-reality museums: unifying the virtual and real world towards realistic virtual museums
G Margetis, KC Apostolakis, S Ntoa, G Papagiannakis, C Stephanidis
Applied Sciences 11 (1), 338, 2020
Gaze-based relevance feedback for realizing region-based image retrieval
GT Papadopoulos, KC Apostolakis, P Daras
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 16 (2), 440-454, 2013
Body motion analysis for emotion recognition in serious games
K Kaza, A Psaltis, K Stefanidis, KC Apostolakis, S Thermos, ...
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and …, 2016
3D tele-immersion platform for interactive immersive experiences between remote users
N Zioulis, D Alexiadis, A Doumanoglou, G Louizis, K Apostolakis, ...
2016 IEEE International conference on image processing (ICIP), 365-369, 2016
Gamification concepts for leveraging knowledge sharing in Industry 4.0
M Tsourma, S Zikos, G Albanis, KC Apostolakis, EE Lithoxoidou, ...
International Journal of Serious Games 6 (2), 75-87, 2019
RAAT-The reverie avatar authoring tool
KC Apostolakis, P Daras
2013 18th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 1-6, 2013
Cloud-native 5g infrastructure and network applications (netapps) for public protection and disaster relief: The 5g-epicentre project
KC Apostolakis, G Margetis, C Stephanidis, JM Duquerrois, L Drouglazet, ...
2021 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit …, 2021
DARLENE–Improving situational awareness of European law enforcement agents through a combination of augmented reality and artificial intelligence solutions
KC Apostolakis, N Dimitriou, G Margetis, S Ntoa, D Tzovaras, ...
Open Research Europe 1 (87), 87, 2022
User evaluation of industry 4.0 concepts for worker engagement
S Aromaa, M Liinasuo, E Kaasinen, M Bojko, F Schmalfuß, ...
Human Systems Engineering and Design: Proceedings of the 1st International …, 2019
Learning prosocial skills through multiadaptive games: A case study
K Stefanidis, A Psaltis, KC Apostolakis, K Dimitropoulos, P Daras
Journal of Computers in Education 6 (1), 167-190, 2019
Reconstruction for 3D immersive virtual environments
DS Alexiadis, G Kordelas, KC Apostolakis, JD Agapito, JM Vegas, ...
2012 13th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia …, 2012
Exploring the prosociality domains of trust and cooperation, through single and cooperative digital gameplay in Path of Trust.
KC Apostolakis, A Psaltis, K Stefanidis, K Kaza, S Thermos, ...
International journal of serious games 3 (3), 2016
Human-centred adaptation and task distribution utilizing levels of automation
X Chen, M Bojko, R Riedel, KC Apostolakis, D Zarpalas, P Daras
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (11), 54-59, 2018
Autonomous agents and avatars in REVERIE's virtual environment
F Kuijk, KC Apostolakis, P Daras, B Ravenet, H Wei, DS Monaghan
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 279-287, 2015
Path of Trust: A prosocial co-op game for building up trustworthiness and teamwork
KC Apostolakis, K Kaza, A Psaltis, K Stefanidis, S Thermos, ...
Games and Learning Alliance: 4th International Conference, GALA 2015, Rome …, 2016
Space wars: An augmentedvr game
K Christaki, KC Apostolakis, A Doumanoglou, N Zioulis, D Zarpalas, ...
MultiMedia Modeling: 25th International Conference, MMM 2019, Thessaloniki …, 2019
Natural user interfaces for virtual character full body and facial animation in immersive virtual worlds
KC Apostolakis, P Daras
Augmented and Virtual Reality: Second International Conference, AVR 2015 …, 2015
Blending real with virtual in 3DLife
KC Apostolakis, DS Alexiadis, P Daras, D Monaghan, NE O'Connor, ...
2013 14th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia …, 2013
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