Native language, spoken language, translation and trade J Melitz, F Toubal Journal of International Economics 93 (2), 351-363, 2014 | 779 | 2014 |
Language and foreign trade J Melitz European Economic Review 52 (4), 667-699, 2008 | 766 | 2008 |
Interregional and international risk-sharing and lessons for EMU J Mélitz, F Zumer Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 51, 149-188, 1999 | 288 | 1999 |
North, South and distance in the gravity model J Melitz European Economic Review 51 (4), 971-991, 2007 | 266 | 2007 |
Some cross-country evidence about fiscal policy behavior and consequences for EMU J Melitz Department of Economics, Fraser of Allander Institute, 2000 | 245 | 2000 |
Social spending and automatic stabilizers in the OECD J Darby, J Melitz Economic policy 23 (56), 716-756, 2008 | 244 | 2008 |
Some cross-country evidence about debt, deficits and the behaviour of monetary and fiscal authorities J Mélitz CEPR discussion papers, 1997 | 220 | 1997 |
Regional redistribution and stabilization by the center in canada, france, the uk and the us:: A reassessment and new tests J Mélitz, F Zumer Journal of public Economics 86 (2), 263-286, 2002 | 193 | 2002 |
Geography, trade and currency union J Melitz Volbert Alexander, Jacques Mélitz and George M. Von Furstenberg, Monetary …, 2004 | 176 | 2004 |
English as a global language J Melitz The Palgrave handbook of economics and language, 583-615, 2016 | 143 | 2016 |
Monetary discipline and cooperation in the European Monetary System: A synthesis J Melitz CEPR Discussion Papers, 1988 | 133 | 1988 |
The current impasse in research on optimum currency areas J Melitz European Economic Review 39 (3-4), 492-500, 1995 | 129 | 1995 |
The Polanyi School of Anthropology on Money: An Economist's View1 J Melitz American Anthropologist 72 (5), 1020-1040, 1970 | 129 | 1970 |
The demand and supply of commercial bank loans J Melitz, M Pardue Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 5 (2), 669-692, 1973 | 121 | 1973 |
National insurance against unevenly distributed shocks in a European monetary union J Mélitz, S Vori Recherches Économiques de Louvain/Louvain Economic Review 59 (1-2), 81-104, 1993 | 99 | 1993 |
Primitive and modern money: and interdisciplinary approach J Melitz (No Title), 1974 | 97 | 1974 |
Financial deregulation in France J Melitz European Economic Review 34 (2-3), 394-402, 1990 | 89 | 1990 |
Monetary discipline, germany, and the european monetary system J Melitz Credit and Capital Markets–Kredit und Kapital, 481-512, 1988 | 82 | 1988 |
The Evidence about the Costs and Benefits of EMU J Mélitz Swedish Economic Policy Review 4 (2), 191-234, 1997 | 80 | 1997 |
Regional redistribution and stabilization by the centre in Canada, France, the United Kingdom and the United States: New estimates based on panel data econometrics F Zumer, J Melitz CEPR Discussion Paper Series, 1998 | 79 | 1998 |