Wei-Feng Huang
Wei-Feng Huang
其他姓名Weifeng Huang
Duke University
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GO/PO and PTD with virtual divergence factor for fast analysis of scattering from concave complex targets
WF Huang, Z Zhao, R Zhao, JY Wang, Z Nie, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 63 (5), 2170-2179, 2015
A new upwind flux for a jump boundary condition applied to 3D viscous fracture modeling
Q Zhan, Q Sun, M Zhuang, Y Mao, Q Ren, Y Fang, WF Huang, QH Liu
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 331, 456-473, 2018
Volume surface integral equation method based on higher order hierarchical vector basis functions for EM scattering and radiation from composite metallic and dielectric structures
QM Cai, YW Zhao, WF Huang, YT Zheng, ZP Zhang, ZP Nie, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (12), 5359-5372, 2016
Twofold domain decomposition method for the analysis of multiscale composite structures
PH Jia, L Lei, J Hu, Y Chen, K Han, WF Huang, Z Nie, QH Liu
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 67 (9), 6090-6103, 2019
Radiation of arbitrary magnetic dipoles in a cylindrically layered anisotropic medium for well-logging applications
D Hong, WF Huang, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (11), 6362-6370, 2016
Novel and stable formulations for the response of horizontal-coil eccentric antennas in a cylindrically multilayered medium
D Hong, WF Huang, H Chen, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (4), 1967-1977, 2017
Accurate fracture scattering simulation by thin dielectric sheet-based surface integral equation
Y Ren, WF Huang, QH Liu, YP Chen, HS Zhang
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13 (10), 1448-1451, 2016
A stable analytic model for tilted-coil antennas in a concentrically cylindrical multilayered anisotropic medium
S Yang, D Hong, WF Huang, QH Liu
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (4), 480-483, 2017
Nonconformal discretization of electric current volume integral equation with higher order hierarchical vector basis functions
QM Cai, ZP Zhang, YW Zhao, WF Huang, YT Zheng, ZP Nie, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (8), 4155-4169, 2017
Full-anisotropic poroelastic wave modeling: A discontinuous Galerkin algorithm with a generalized wave impedance
Q Zhan, M Zhuang, Y Fang, Y Hu, Y Mao, WF Huang, R Zhang, D Wang, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 346, 288-311, 2019
Efficient and accurate electromagnetic modeling of triaxial induction responses from multiscale fractures for well-logging applications
H Wang, WF Huang, Y Fang, R Zhang, D Wang, Q Zhan, QH Liu
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques 4, 20-28, 2019
Calderón preconditioned spectral-element spectral-integral method for doubly periodic structures in layered media
Y Mao, J Niu, Q Zhan, R Zhang, WF Huang, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (7), 5524-5533, 2020
Multiple-traces surface integral equations for electromagnetic scattering from complex microstrip structures
R Zhao, Z Huang, WF Huang, J Hu, X Wu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (7), 3804-3809, 2018
Solid-angle error in the magnetic-field integral equation for perfectly electric conducting objects
WF Huang, Y Ren, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (3), 1158-1163, 2016
Fast 3-D volume integral equation domain decomposition method for electromagnetic scattering by complex inhomogeneous objects traversing multiple layers
D Wang, Y Hu, Y Fang, Q Zhan, R Zhang, WF Huang, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (2), 958-966, 2019
Fast induction logging modeling with hierarchical sudoku meshes based on DGFD
R Zhang, Q Sun, Z Wu, Y Fang, Y Hu, WF Huang, Y Mao, QH Liu
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 16 (11), 1683-1687, 2019
Pseudoanalytical formulations for modeling the effect of an insulating layer in electromagnetic well logging
D Hong, S Yang, Y Zhang, WF Huang, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (12), 7022-7029, 2018
Thin dielectric sheet-based surface integral equation for the scattering simulation of fractures in a layered medium
WF Huang, H Wang, Q Zhan, Y Fang, D Wang, R Zhang, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (10), 7606-7612, 2019
Optimization of the periodic PML for SEM
R Zhang, Q Sun, M Zhuang, WF Huang, Q Zhan, D Wang, QH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 61 (5), 1578-1585, 2018
Hybrid FEM-DDM and BEM-BoR for the analysis of multiscale composite structures
PH Jia, QH Liu, Y Chen, WF Huang, X Li, Z Nie, J Hu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (6), 4753-4763, 2020
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