Michael Hevel
Michael Hevel
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Toward a history of student affairs: A synthesis of research, 1996–2015
MS Hevel
Journal of College Student Development 57 (7), 844-862, 2016
New evidence on the effects of fraternity and sorority affiliation during the first year of college
GL Martin, MS Hevel, AM Asel, ET Pascarella
Journal of College Student Development 52 (5), 543-559, 2011
Do fraternities and sororities enhance socially responsible leadership?
GL Martin, MS Hevel, ET Pascarella
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 49 (3), 267-284, 2012
The effects of fraternity and sorority membership in the fourth year of college: A detrimental or value-added component of undergraduate education?
MS Hevel, GL Martin, DD Weeden, ET Pascarella
Journal of College Student Development 56 (5), 456-470, 2015
Age and academic advising in community colleges: Examining the assumption of self-directed learning
KM Roessger, K Eisentrout, MS Hevel
Community College Journal of Research and Practice 43 (6), 441-454, 2019
Do fraternities and sororities still enhance socially responsible leadership? Evidence from the fourth year of college
MS Hevel, GL Martin, ET Pascarella
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 51 (3), 233-245, 2014
Research-driven practice in fraternity and sorority life
MS Hevel, DA Bureau
New directions for student services 147, 23, 2014
An exploratory study of institutional characteristics, fraternity and sorority membership, and socially responsible leadership
MS Hevel, GL Martin, KM Goodman, ET Pascarella
College Student Affairs Journal 36 (2), 155-170, 2018
The conservative corner of the liberal academy? Fraternity/sorority membership, politics, and activism
MS Hevel, DD Weeden, K Pasquesi, ET Pascarella
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 52 (2), 121-133, 2015
" Gay People Pay Activity Fees Too": The Committee on Gay Education's Pioneering Legal Victories at the University of Georgia
TR Cain, MS Hevel
The Review of Higher Education 45 (1), 61-91, 2021
Setting the Stage for Animal House: Student Drinking in College Novels, 1865—1933
MS Hevel
The Journal of Higher Education 85 (3), 370-401, 2014
A Historiography of College Students 30 Years After Helen Horowitz’s Campus Life
MS Hevel
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Published under the …, 2017
Research-Driven Practice in Student Affairs: Implications from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education: New Directions for Student Services, Number 147
GL Martin, MS Hevel
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Preparing for the Politics of Life: An Expansion of the Political Dimensions of College Women's Literary Societies
MS Hevel
History of Education Quarterly 54 (4), 486-515, 2014
Bridging the distance? How proximity and online learning shape communities’ adult participation in public universities
KM Roessger, J Weese, DA Parker, MS Hevel
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 71 (2), 199-214, 2023
The Queer Student Affairs Career of Stephen Lenton, 1970-1980
MS Hevel, TR Cain
Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education 15 (3), 261-278, 2022
" Betwixt brewings": a history of college students and alcohol
MS Hevel
University of Iowa, 2011
Aggies are not queers”: A history of Gay Student Services v. Texas A&M University
MS Hevel, CJ Thompson
Resist, organize, build: Feminist and queer activism in Britain and the …, 2022
Trends in the historiography of American college student life: Populations, organizations, and behaviors
MS Hevel, HA Jaeckle
Rethinking Campus Life: New Perspectives on the History of College Students …, 2018
A concise and critical history of student affairs
MS Hevel, AE Wells Dolan
The handbook of student affairs administration, 2023
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