Guannan Zhang
Stochastic finite element methods for partial differential equations with random input data
MD Gunzburger, CG Webster, G Zhang
Acta Numerica 23, 521-650, 2014
An adaptive sparse‐grid high‐order stochastic collocation method for Bayesian inference in groundwater reactive transport modeling
G Zhang, D Lu, M Ye, M Gunzburger, C Webster
Water Resources Research 49 (10), 6871-6892, 2013
A stable multistep scheme for solving backward stochastic differential equations
W Zhao, G Zhang, L Ju
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 48 (4), 1369-1394, 2010
Robust data-driven approach for predicting the configurational energy of high entropy alloys
J Zhang, X Liu, S Bi, J Yin, G Zhang, M Eisenbach
Materials & Design 185, 108247, 2020
Error analysis of a stochastic collocation method for parabolic partial differential equations with random input data
G Zhang, M Gunzburger
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50 (4), 1922-1940, 2012
A sparse-grid method for multi-dimensional backward stochastic differential equations
G Zhang, M Gunzburger, W Zhao
Journal of Computational Mathematics, 221-248, 2013
Analysis of quasi-optimal polynomial approximations for parameterized PDEs with deterministic and stochastic coefficients
H Tran, C Webster, G Zhang
numerische mathematik 137 (2), 451-493, 2017
A Generalized θ-Scheme for Solving Backward Stochastic Differential Equations.
W Zhao, Y Li, G Zhang
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 17 (5), 2012
A Taylor expansion‐based adaptive design strategy for global surrogate modeling with applications in groundwater modeling
S Mo, D Lu, X Shi, G Zhang, M Ye, J Wu, J Wu
Water Resources Research 53 (12), 10802-10823, 2017
An adaptive wavelet stochastic collocation method for irregular solutions of partial differential equations with random input data
M Gunzburger, CG Webster, G Zhang
Sparse Grids and Applications-Munich 2012, 137-170, 2014
Learning nonlinear level sets for dimensionality reduction in function approximation
G Zhang, J Zhang, J Hinkle
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
On the Lebesgue constant of weighted Leja points for Lagrange interpolation on unbounded domains
P Jantsch, CG Webster, G Zhang
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 39 (2), 1039-1057, 2019
Non-intrusive inference reduced order model for fluids using deep multistep neural network
X Xie, G Zhang, CG Webster
Mathematics 7 (8), 757, 2019
An improved multilevel Monte Carlo method for estimating probability distribution functions in stochastic oil reservoir simulations
D Lu, G Zhang, C Webster, C Barbier
Water Resources Research 52 (12), 9642–9660, 2016
Split-step Milstein methods for multi-channel stiff stochastic differential systems
V Reshniak, AQM Khaliq, DA Voss, G Zhang
Applied Numerical Mathematics 89, 1-23, 2015
A hybrid sparse-grid approach for nonlinear filtering problems based on adaptive-domain of the Zakai equation approximations
F Bao, Y Cao, C Webster, G Zhang
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2 (1), 784-804, 2014
Hyperspherical sparse approximation techniques for high-dimensional discontinuity detection
G Zhang, CG Webster, M Gunzburger, J Burkardt
SIAM review 58 (3), 517-551, 2016
A directional Gaussian smoothing optimization method for computational inverse design in nanophotonics
J Zhang, S Bi, G Zhang
Materials & Design 197, 109213, 2021
A backward Monte-Carlo method for time-dependent runaway electron simulations
G Zhang, D del-Castillo-Negrete
Physics of Plasmas 24 (9), 2017
Calibration of an agricultural-hydrological model (RZWQM2) using surrogate global optimization
M Xi, D Lu, D Gui, Z Qi, G Zhang
Journal of Hydrology 544, 456-466, 2017
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