Freya Sukalla
Freya Sukalla
Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig
在 uni-leipzig.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Embodiment of narrative engagement
F Sukalla, H Bilandzic, PD Bolls, RW Busselle
Journal of media psychology, 2015
The role of fictional film exposure and narrative engagement for personal norms, guilt and intentions to protect the climate
H Bilandzic, F Sukalla
Environmental Communication 13 (8), 1069-1086, 2019
The narrative engageability scale: A multidimensional trait measure for the propensity to become engaged in a story
H Bilandzic, F Sukalla, C Schnell, MR Hastall, RW Busselle
International Journal of Communication 13, 32, 2019
The morality of television genres: Norm violations and their narrative context in four popular genres of serial fiction
H Bilandzic, MR Hastall, F Sukalla
Journal of Media Ethics 32 (2), 99-117, 2017
Dispelling Fears and Myths of Organ Donation: How Narratives That Include Information Reduce Ambivalence and Reactance.
F Sukalla, AJM Wagner, I Rackow
International Journal of Communication (19328036) 11, 2017
Surprise! An investigation of orienting responses to test assumptions of narrative processing
F Sukalla, H Shoenberger, PD Bolls
Communication Research 43 (6), 844-862, 2016
The cultivation of idealistic moral expectations: The role of television exposure and narrative engageability
H Bilandzic, C Schnell, F Sukalla
Mass Communication and Society 22 (5), 604-630, 2019
Narrative persuasion
F Sukalla
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2019
Narrative Persuasion und Einstellungsdissonanz
F Sukalla
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018
Fiktionale Geschichten und ihre Wirkungen auf die Wahrnehmung der politischen und sozialen Realität
MR Hastall, F Sukalla, H Bilandzic
Politische Unterhaltung – Unterhaltende Politik: Forschung zu Medieninhalten …, 2014
Multiples Framing in der Gesundheitskommunikation: Annahmen und Befunde
MR Hastall, F Sukalla
Medien und Gesundheitskommunikation, 201-219, 2013
Developing an Awareness Campaign to Reduce Second Hand Smoke Among Disadvantaged Families—A Participatory M-Health Approach
T Weinmann, K Radon, F Sukalla, J Gerlich, S Barth, D Nowak, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (9), 1945, 2018
Überwindung von Ambivalenz und Reaktanz im Kontext der Organspende–Sind in Narrationen eingebettete Informationen, die spezifische Ängste ansprechen, die Lösung?
F Sukalla, I Rackow, AJM Wagner
Gesundheitskommunikation im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, 189-202, 2015
Die Moral von der Geschichte: Methodische Probleme und Methodenentwicklung in der Medienanalyse
H Bilandzic, F Sukalla, S Kinnebrock
Verlorene Werte? Medien und die Entwicklung von Ethik und Moral, 245-256, 2008
Hero or villain? The role of audience beliefs about suspense for their suspense experience
T Naab, F Sukalla
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 8 (1), 53-76, 2019
Narratives Erleben und Transportation
F Sukalla, H Bilandzic
Medienpsychologie. Schlüsselbegriffe und Konzepte, 243-252, 2016
Digging the Web: Promises and challenges of using Web 2.0 tools for audience research
MR Hastall, F Sukalla
Audience Research Methodologies, 177-195, 2013
Personal relevance and state empathy with a character facilitates self-disclosure in film viewers
K Bálint, F Sukalla, B Rooney
Frontiers in Communication 7, 984341, 2022
Targeting Physical Inactivity–Effects of Three Different Consequence Frames on Population Subgroups’ Health-Related Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions
AJM Wagner, F Sukalla
Journal of Health Communication 26 (1), 47-56, 2021
Seven cups to relieve stress? On the portrayal of well-being in the smartphone app market
F Sukalla, V Karnowski
The futures of eHealth. Social, ethical and legal challenges, 57-62, 2019
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