Elida V. Laski
Elida V. Laski
Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology, Boston College
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Is 27 a big number? Correlational and causal connections among numerical categorization, number line estimation, and numerical magnitude comparison
EV Laski, RS Siegler
Child development 78 (6), 1723-1743, 2007
Learning from number board games: you learn what you encode.
EV Laski, RS Siegler
Developmental psychology 50 (3), 853, 2014
What makes mathematics manipulatives effective? Lessons from cognitive science and Montessori education
EV Laski, JR Jor’dan, C Daoust, AK Murray
SAGE Open 5 (2), 2158244015589588, 2015
Young girls’ arithmetic and spatial skills: The distal and proximal roles of family socioeconomics and home learning experiences
E Dearing, BM Casey, CM Ganley, M Tillinger, E Laski, C Montecillo
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27 (3), 458-470, 2012
Spatial skills as a predictor of first grade girls' use of higher level arithmetic strategies
EV Laski, BM Casey, Q Yu, A Dulaney, M Heyman, E Dearing
Learning and Individual Differences 23, 123-130, 2013
Preschoolers’ strategies for solving visual pattern tasks
MA Collins, EV Laski
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 32, 204-214, 2015
Number line estimation and mental addition: Examining the potential roles of language and education
EV Laski, Q Yu
Journal of experimental child psychology 117, 29-44, 2014
Digging deeper: Shared deep structures of early literacy and mathematics involve symbolic mapping and relational reasoning
MA Collins, EV Laski
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 46, 201-212, 2019
Computational fluency and strategy choice predict individual and cross-national differences in complex arithmetic.
M Vasilyeva, EV Laski, C Shen
Developmental Psychology 51 (10), 1489, 2015
Early use of decomposition for addition and its relation to base-10 knowledge
EV Laski, A Ermakova, M Vasilyeva
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 35 (5), 444-454, 2014
Distinct pathways from parental beliefs and practices to children’s numeric skills
M Vasilyeva, E Laski, A Veraksa, L Weber, D Bukhalenkova
Journal of Cognition and Development 19 (4), 345-366, 2018
When prior knowledge interferes, inhibitory control matters for learning: The case of numerical magnitude representations.
EV Laski, A Dulaney
Journal of Educational Psychology 107 (4), 1035, 2015
Longitudinal Comparison of Place-Value and Arithmetic Knowledge in Montessori and Non-Montessori Students.
EV Laski, M Vasilyeva, J Schiffman
Journal of Montessori Research 2 (1), 1-15, 2016
Here, but not there: Cross-national variability of gender effects in arithmetic
C Shen, M Vasilyeva, EV Laski
Journal of experimental child psychology 146, 50-65, 2016
Children's use of decomposition strategies mediates the visuospatial memory and arithmetic accuracy relation
AE Foley, M Vasilyeva, EV Laski
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 35 (2), 303-309, 2017
Portfolio picks: An approach for developing children’s metacognition
EV Laski
Young Children 68 (3), 38-43, 2013
Mathematics teacher educators' perceptions and use of cognitive research
EV Laski, TD Reeves, CM Ganley, R Mitchell
Mind, Brain, and Education 7 (1), 63-74, 2013
Socioeconomic variations in the frequency of parent number talk: A meta-analysis
E Dearing, B Casey, PE Davis-Kean, S Eason, E Gunderson, SC Levine, ...
Education Sciences 12 (5), 312, 2022
Reexamining the language account of cross-national differences in base-10 number representations
M Vasilyeva, EV Laski, A Ermakova, WF Lai, Y Jeong, A Hachigian
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 129, 12-25, 2015
Materials count: Linear-spatial materials improve young children’s addition strategies and accuracy, irregular arrays don’t
J Schiffman, EV Laski
PLoS One 13 (12), e0208832, 2018
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