Jason J Braithwaite
Jason J Braithwaite
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A guide for analysing electrodermal activity (EDA) & skin conductance responses (SCRs) for psychological experiments
JJ Braithwaite, DG Watson, R Jones, M Rowe
Psychophysiology 49 (1), 1017-1034, 2013
Seeing it their way: evidence for rapid and involuntary computation of what other people see.
D Samson, IA Apperly, JJ Braithwaite, BJ Andrews, SE Bodley Scott
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 36 (5 …, 2010
Consciousness beyond life: The science of the near-death experience
P Van Lommel
Harper Collins, 2010
Cognitive correlates of the spontaneous out-of-body experience (OBE) in the psychologically normal population: Evidence for an increased role of temporal-lobe instability, body …
JJ Braithwaite, D Samson, I Apperly, E Broglia, J Hulleman
Cortex 47 (7), 839-853, 2011
Inhibition and anticipation in visual search: Evidence from effects of color foreknowledge on preview search
JJ Braithwaite, GW Humphreys
Perception & Psychophysics 65, 213-237, 2003
Color grouping in space and time: evidence from negative color-based carryover effects in preview search.
JJ Braithwaite, GW Humphreys, J Hodsoll
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 29 (4), 758, 2003
The preview search task: Evidence for visual marking
CNL Olivers, GW Humphreys, JJ Braithwaite
Visual Cognition 14 (4-8), 716-735, 2006
Evidence for elevated cortical hyperexcitability and its association with out-of-body experiences in the non-clinical population: New findings from a pattern-glare task
JJ Braithwaite, E Broglia, AP Bagshaw, AJ Wilkins
cortex 49 (3), 793-805, 2013
Towards a cognitive neuroscience of the dying brain
JJ Braithwaite
Skeptic 21, 8-16, 2008
Uncomfortably numb: new evidence for suppressed emotional reactivity in response to body-threats in those predisposed to sub-clinical dissociative experiences
H Dewe, DG Watson, JJ Braithwaite
Cognitive neuropsychiatry 21 (5), 377-401, 2016
Autonomic emotional responses to the induction of the rubber-hand illusion in those that report anomalous bodily experiences: Evidence for specific psychophysiological …
JJ Braithwaite, E Broglia, DG Watson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 40 (3 …, 2014
Is it impossible to inhibit isoluminant items, or does it simply take longer? Evidence from preview search
JJ Braithwaite, J Hulleman, DG Watson, GW Humphreys
Perception & Psychophysics 68, 290-300, 2006
The depersonalized brain: New evidence supporting a distinction between depersonalization and derealization from discrete patterns of autonomic suppression observed in a non …
H Dewe, DG Watson, K Kessler, JJ Braithwaite
Consciousness and cognition 63, 29-46, 2018
Predisposition to out-of-body experience (OBE) is associated with aberrations in multisensory integration: Psychophysiological support from a “rubber hand illusion” study.
JJ Braithwaite, DG Watson, H Dewe
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (6 …, 2017
New perspectives on perspective-taking mechanisms and the out-of-body experience
JJ Braithwaite, K Dent
Cortex 47 (5), 628, 2011
Magnetic variances associated with ‘haunt-type’experiences: a comparison using time-synchronised baseline measurements
JJ Braithwaite
European Journal of Parapsychology 19, 3-28, 2004
Revisiting preview search at isoluminance: New onsets are not necessary for the preview advantage
JJ Braithwaite, GW Humphreys, DG Watson, J Hulleman
Perception & Psychophysics 67, 1214-1228, 2005
Signs of increased cortical hyperexcitability selectively associated with spontaneous anomalous bodily experiences in a nonclinical population
JJ Braithwaite, E Broglia, O Brincat, L Stapley, AJ Wilkins, C Takahashi
Cognitive neuropsychiatry 18 (6), 549-573, 2013
Fast color grouping and slow color inhibition: evidence for distinct temporal windows for separate processes in preview search.
JJ Braithwaite, GW Humphreys, J Hulleman, DG Watson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 33 (3), 503, 2007
Effects of colour on preview search: anticipatory and inhibitory biases for colour.
JJ Braithwaite, GW Humphreys, J Hodsoll
Spatial Vision 17, 2004
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