Severine Rosat
Severine Rosat
CNRS Researcher, ITES, EOST, CNRS/Univ. Strasbourg
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Earth's free oscillations excited by the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
J Park, TRA Song, J Tromp, E Okal, S Stein, G Roult, E Clevede, G Laske, ...
Science 308 (5725), 1139-1144, 2005
Exploring gravity with the MIGA large scale atom interferometer
B Canuel, A Bertoldi, L Amand, E Pozzo di Borgo, T Chantrait, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 14064, 2018
ELGAR—a European laboratory for gravitation and atom-interferometric research
B Canuel, S Abend, P Amaro-Seoane, F Badaracco, Q Beaufils, A Bertoldi, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (22), 225017, 2020
The search for the Slichter mode: comparison of noise levels of superconducting gravimeters and investigation of a stacking method
S Rosat, J Hinderer, D Crossley, L Rivera
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 140 (1-3), 183-202, 2003
Performance of superconducting gravimeters from long-period seismology to tides
S Rosat, J Hinderer, D Crossley, JP Boy
Journal of Geodynamics 38 (3-5), 461-476, 2004
High‐resolution analysis of the gravest seismic normal modes after the 2004 Mw = 9 Sumatra earthquake using superconducting gravimeter data
S Rosat, T Sato, Y Imanishi, J Hinderer, Y Tamura, H McQueen, M Ohashi
Geophysical research letters 32 (13), 2005
Noise levels of superconducting gravimeters: updated comparison and time stability
S Rosat, J Hinderer
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 101 (3), 1233-1241, 2011
Comparison of the Micro-g LaCoste gPhone-054 spring gravimeter and the GWR-C026 superconducting gravimeter in Strasbourg (France) using a 300-day time series
U Riccardi, S Rosat, J Hinderer
Metrologia 48 (1), 28, 2011
Free core nutation resonance parameters from VLBI and superconducting gravimeter data
S Rosat, SB Lambert
Astronomy & Astrophysics 503 (1), 287-291, 2009
Analysis of a 10-year (1997–2007) record of time-varying gravity in Strasbourg using absolute and superconducting gravimeters: new results on the calibration and comparison …
S Rosat, JP Boy, G Ferhat, J Hinderer, M Amalvict, P Gegout, B Luck
Journal of Geodynamics 48 (3-5), 360-365, 2009
Time stability of spring and superconducting gravimeters through the analysis of very long gravity records
M Calvo, J Hinderer, S Rosat, H Legros, JP Boy, B Ducarme, W Zürn
Journal of Geodynamics 80, 20-33, 2014
A search for the Slichter triplet with superconducting gravimeters: Impact of the density jump at the inner core boundary
S Rosat, Y Rogister, D Crossley, J Hinderer
Journal of Geodynamics 41 (1-3), 296-306, 2006
First observation of 2S1 and study of the splitting of the football mode 0S2 after the June 2001 Peru earthquake of magnitude 8.4
S Rosat, J Hinderer, L Rivera
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (21), 2003
Long-term and seasonal gravity changes at the Strasbourg station and their relation to crustal deformation and hydrology
M Amalvict, J Hinderer, J Mäkinen, S Rosat, Y Rogister
Journal of Geodynamics 38 (3-5), 343-353, 2004
Hydro-gravimetry in West-Africa: First results from the Djougou (Benin) superconducting gravimeter
B Hector, J Hinderer, L Séguis, JP Boy, M Calvo, M Descloitres, S Rosat, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 80, 34-49, 2014
Non-linear oceanic tides observed by superconducting gravimeters in Europe
JP Boy, M Llubes, R Ray, J Hinderer, N Florsch, S Rosat, F Lyard, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 38 (3-5), 391-405, 2004
Estimation of the Free Core Nutation parameters from SG data: Sensitivity study and comparative analysis using linearized least-squares and Bayesian methods
S Rosat, N Florsch, J Hinderer, M Llubes
Journal of Geodynamics 48 (3-5), 331-339, 2009
On the accuracy of the calibration of superconducting gravimeters using absolute and spring sensors: a critical comparison
U Riccardi, S Rosat, J Hinderer
Pure and Applied Geophysics 169, 1343-1356, 2012
New determinations of Q quality factors and eigenfrequencies for the whole set of singlets of the Earth's normal modes 0S0, 0S2, 0S3 and 2S1 using superconducting gravimeter …
G Roult, S Rosat, E Clévédé, R Millot-Langet, J Hinderer
Journal of Geodynamics 41 (1-3), 345-357, 2006
A two-year analysis of the iOSG-24 superconducting gravimeter at the low noise underground laboratory (LSBB URL) of Rustrel, France: Environmental noise estimate
S Rosat, J Hinderer, JP Boy, F Littel, JD Bernard, D Boyer, A Mémin, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 119, 1-8, 2018
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