yujie liu
Retrieval of non-rigid 3D shapes from multiple aspects
Z Kuang, Z Li, X Jiang, Y Liu, H Li
Computer-Aided Design 58, 13-23, 2015
TOP-SIFT: the selected SIFT descriptor based on dictionary learning
Y Liu, D Yu, X Chen, Z Li, J Fan
The Visual Computer 35, 667-677, 2019
A multi-layer deep fusion convolutional neural network for sketch based image retrieval
D Yu, Y Liu, Y Pang, Z Li, H Li
Neurocomputing 296, 23-32, 2018
The shape recognition based on structure moment invariants
L Zongmin, K Hou, L Yujie, D Luhong, L Hua
International Journal of Information Technology 12 (2), 97-105, 2006
How to wear beautifully? Clothing pair recommendation
YJ Liu, YB Gao, LY Bian, WY Wang, ZM Li
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 33, 522-530, 2018
Modal function transformation for isometric 3D shape representation
Z Kuang, Z Li, Q Lv, T Weiwei, Y Liu
Computers & Graphics 46, 209-220, 2015
Weather-to-garment: Weather-oriented clothing recommendation
Y Liu, Y Gao, S Feng, Z Li
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 181-186, 2017
SHREC’08 entry: 3D model retrieval based on the V system invariant moment
L Yujie, Y Xiaolan, L Zongmin, M Xiuping
2008 IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, 249-250, 2008
3d model retrieval based on 3d fractional fourier transform
L YuJie, B Feng, L ZongMin, L Hua
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology 10 (5), 2013
Multiscale shape context and re-ranking for deformable shape retrieval
Z Li, Z Kuang, Y Liu, J Wang
Computers & graphics 54, 8-17, 2016
Sketch based image retrieval with conditional generative adversarial network
Y Liu, Z Dou, Q Zhao, Z Li, H Li
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics 29 (12), 2336-2342, 2017
Label distribution learning for video summarization
YJ Liu, SJ Tang, YB Gao, ZM Li, H Li
J. Comput. Aided Des. Comput. Graph 31, 104-110, 2019
Sketch based image retrieval based on chamfer distance transform and bag of mid maps descriptor
L Yujie, P Yunping, L Ziqi
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics 28 (12), 2168-2174, 2016
A more effective method for image representation: Topic model based on latent dirichlet allocation
Z Li, W Tian, Y Li, Z Kuang, Y Liu
2015 14th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer …, 2015
Learn robust pedestrian representation within minimal modality discrepancy for visible-infrared person re-identification
YJ Liu, WB Shao, XR Sun
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 37 (3), 641-651, 2022
Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval with representative view and convolutional neural network
L Yujie, S Yang, L Zongmin, LI Hua
Journal of Graphics 39 (4), 735, 2018
Saliency object detection based on domain transform and contour detection
Z Li, C Zhou, Y Gong, Y Liu, H Li
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics 30 (8), 1457-1465, 2018
Object region segmentation using deep features and pixel modeling by conditional random fields
Z Li, X Xu, Y Liu, H Li
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics 30 (6), 1000-1007, 2018
Strong feature fusion networks for person re-identification
L Yujie, Z Caiyun, L Zongmin
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics 33 (2), 232-240, 2021
Necessary condition of affine moment invariants
L Diao, Z Zhang, Y Liu, D Nan
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 61, 602-606, 2019
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