Erin M. Richard
Antecedents and consequences of emotional display rule perceptions.
JM Diefendorff, EM Richard
Journal of applied psychology 88 (2), 284, 2003
Linking emotion regulation strategies to affective events and negative emotions at work
JM Diefendorff, EM Richard, J Yang
Journal of Vocational behavior 73 (3), 498-508, 2008
Are emotional display rules formal job requirements? Examination of employee and supervisor perceptions
JM Diefendorff, EM Richard, MH Croyle
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 79 (2), 273-298, 2006
Examination of situational and attitudinal moderators of the hesitation and performance relation
JM Diefendorff, EM Richard, RH Gosserand
Personnel Psychology 59 (2), 365-393, 2006
Revisiting the within-person self-efficacy and performance relation
EM Richard, JM Diefendorff, JH Martin
Human Performance 19 (1), 67-87, 2006
Not all emotional display rules are created equal: Distinguishing between prescriptive and contextual display rules.
JM Diefendorff, EM Richard
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008
How empathic concern helps leaders in providing negative feedback: A two‐study examination
SF Young, EM Richard, RG Moukarzel, LA Steelman, WA Gentry
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 90 (4), 535-558, 2017
Comparing the efficacy of policy-capturing weights and direct estimates for predicting job choice
JE Slaughter, EM Richard, JH Martin
Organizational Research Methods 9 (3), 285-314, 2006
Self-regulation during a single performance episode: Mood-as-information in the absence of formal feedback
EM Richard, JM Diefendorff
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 115 (1), 99-110, 2011
Developing employee resilience: The role of leader-facilitated emotion management
EM Richard
Advances in Developing Human Resources 22 (4), 387-403, 2020
Cross-cultural competence: The role of emotion regulation ability and optimism
BC Trejo, EM Richard, M van Driel, DP McDonald
Military Psychology 27 (5), 276-286, 2015
The effects of engaging in rapport-building behaviors on productivity and discretionary effort
SM Curry, NE Gravina, AA Sleiman, E Richard
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 39 (3-4), 213-226, 2019
Effects of stress on perceived performance of collegiate aviators
N Blouin, J Deaton, E Richard, P Buza
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 2014
Applying appraisal theories of emotion to the concept of emotional labor
EM Richard
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2006
Saving face: Reactions to cultural norm violations in business request emails
EM Richard, M McFadden
Journal of Business and Psychology 31, 307-321, 2016
Supervisor empathy moderates the negative effects of customer injustice
EM Richard, CP Bupp, RG Alzaidalsharief
Emotions and Organizational Governance 12, 117-140, 2016
Cyberaggression in work-related email: Nomological network and links to victims’ counterproductive work behavior
EM Richard, SF Young, JJ Walsh, GW Giumetti
Occupational Health Science 4, 161-190, 2020
An examination of within-person variance in contextual display rules and deviation from display rules
EM Richard, PD Converse
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 25 (3), 412-429, 2016
Emotion regulation at work: Linking strategies to affective events and discrete negative emotions
JM Diefendorff, EM Richard, J Yang
Journal of Vocational Behavior 73 (3), 498-508, 2008
Varying reactions to feedback and their effects on observer accuracy and feedback omission
N Matey, A Sleiman, J Nastasi, E Richard, N Gravina
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 54 (3), 1188-1198, 2021
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