Amir Bahador Parsa
Amir Bahador Parsa
在 uic.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Toward safer highways, application of XGBoost and SHAP for real-time accident detection and feature analysis
AB Parsa, A Movahedi, H Taghipour, S Derrible, AK Mohammadian
Accident Analysis & Prevention 136, 105405, 2020
Real-time accident detection: Coping with imbalanced data
AB Parsa, H Taghipour, S Derrible, AK Mohammadian
Accident Analysis & Prevention 129, 202-210, 2019
A Data-Driven Approach to Characterize the Impact of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on Traffic Flow
AB Parsa, R Shabanpour, A Mohammadian, J Auld, T Stephens
Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research, 2020
Applying Deep Learning to Detect Traffic Accidents in Real Time Using Spatiotemporal Sequential Data
AB Parsa, RS Chauhan, H Taghipour, S Derrible, AK Mohammadian
arXiv, 2019
A dynamic approach to predict travel time in real time using data driven techniques and comprehensive data sources
H Taghipour, AB Parsa, AK Mohammadian
Transportation Engineering 2, 100025, 2020
A novel deep ensemble based approach to detect crashes using sequential traffic data
H Taghipour, AB Parsa, RS Chauhan, S Derrible, AK Mohammadian
IATSS research 46 (1), 122-129, 2022
Does security of neighborhoods affect non-mandatory trips? a copula-based joint multinomial-ordinal model of mode and trip distance choices
AB Parsa, K Kamal, H Taghipour, AK Mohammadian
Transportation Research Board 98th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2019
Interrelationships between urban travel demand and electricity consumption: a deep learning approach
A Movahedi, AB Parsa, A Rozhkov, D Lee, AK Mohammadian, S Derrible
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 6223, 2023
Survival analysis for motorcycle usage time in work-tours
AB Parsa, A Bakhtiari, M Habibian, AK Mohammadian
International journal of transportation science and technology 9 (4), 355-365, 2020
A deep-learning based optimization approach to address stop-skipping strategy in urban rail transit lines
M Javadinasr, A Mohammadian, A Parsa
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2022, 165-176, 2022
Understanding Motorcyclists' Behavior Toward TDM Policies in Work Tours
AB Parsa, M Habibian
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
A.(Kouros) Mohammadian,“Toward safer highways, application of XGBoost and SHAP for real-time accident detection and feature analysis,”
AB Parsa, A Movahedi, H Taghipour, S Derrible
Accid. Anal. Prev 136, 105405, 0
Smart mobility. connected and automated vehicles capstone report
E Rask, J Auld, B Bush, Y Chen, V Freyermuth, D Gohlke, J Gonder, ...
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.(LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Argonne …, 2020
Pavement condition and traffic safety: a comprehensive review of the literature
A Parsa
Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association, 2020
A.(. K.). Mohammadian,“Toward safer highways, application of XGBoost and SHAP for real-time accident detection and feature analysis,”
AB Parsa, A Movahedi, H Taghipour, S Derrible
Accident Analysis & Prevention 136, 0
Application of machine learning techniques in short-term travel time prediction using multiple data sources. engrxiv. org
H Taghipour, AB Parsa, AK Mohammadian
Derrible Sybil, Mohammadian Abolfazl (Kouros)
PA Bahador, M Ali, T Homa
Toward Safer Highways, Application of XGBoost and SHAP for RealTime Accident …, 2020
Motorcycle Usage Time and Tour Type: Accelerated Failure Time Approach
AB Parsa, A Bakhtiari, M Habibian, K Mohammadian
98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2019
Route choice behavior analysis: An activity-based simulation perspective
A Shamshiripour, AB Parsa, H Taghipour, A Nafakh, AK Mohammadian
Transportation Research Board 98th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2019
Traffic Modeling and Management, Innovative Data and Methods
AB Parsa
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2022
文章 1–20