Dr. Recep Melih AKMAZ
Compositional variations of chromite and solid inclusions in ophiolitic chromitites from the southeastern Turkey: Implications for chromitite genesis
RM Akmaz, I Uysal, S Saka
Ore Geology Reviews 58, 208-224, 2014
The effects of partial melting, melt–mantle interaction and fractionation on ophiolite generation: Constraints from the late Cretaceous Pozantı-Karsantı ophiolite, southern Turkey
S Saka, I Uysal, RM Akmaz, M Kaliwoda, R Hochleitner
Lithos 202, 300-316, 2014
The Guleman ophiolitic chromitites (SE Turkey) and their link to a compositionally evolving mantle source during subduction initiation
I Uysal, A Kapsiotis, RM Akmaz, S Saka, HM Seitz
Ore Geology Reviews 93, 98-113, 2018
Genesis and geodynamic significance of chromitites from the Orhaneli and Harmancık ophiolites (Bursa, NW Turkey) as evidenced by mineralogical and compositional data
I Uysal, RM Akmaz, A Kapsiotis, Y Demir, S Saka, E Avcı, D Mueller
Ore Geology Reviews 65, 26-41, 2015
Ophiolitic chromitites from the Kızılyüksek area of the Pozantı-Karsantı ophiolite (Adana, southern Turkey): Implication for crystallization from a fractionated boninitic melt
E Avcı, İ Uysal, RM Akmaz, S Saka
Ore Geology Reviews 90, 166-183, 2017
Coexistence of compositionally heterogeneous chromitites in the Antalya–Isparta ophiolitic suite, SW Turkey: A record of sequential magmatic processes in the sub-arc …
I Uysal, RM Akmaz, S Saka, A Kapsiotis
Lithos 248, 160-174, 2016
Compositional fingerprints of chromian spinel from the refractory chrome ores of Metalleion, Othris (Greece): Implications for metallogeny and deformation of chromitites within …
A Kapsiotis, AE Rassios, I Uysal, G Grieco, RM Akmaz, S Saka, ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 185, 14-32, 2018
Raman Spectroscopy as a Tool for the Quantitative Estimation of Chromium Aluminum Oxide Content in Chromite
M Kaliwoda, D Giordano, ME Krüger, I Uysal, RM Akmaz, V Hoffmann, ...
Spectroscopy 36 (2), 17-23, 2021
Genesis and geotectonic setting of podiform chromitites from the Zhob Valley Ophiolite, Pakistan: inferences from chromite composition
MA Khan, T Ulrich, MI Kakar, RM Akmaz, RH Siddiqui, L Ali
Episodes Journal of International Geoscience 43 (4), 1017-1039, 2020
Mineralogy and composition of solid phases in chromite grains of ophiolitic podiform chromitites from the Pozanti-Karsanti Ophiolite, southern Turkey
E Avci, I Uysal, S Saka, R Melih Akmaz, D Müller
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 914, 2014
Mineralogical and geochemical investigation on podiform chromitites from the Guleman Ophiolite
RM AKMAZ, I Uysal, S Saka
Petrogenesis of ophiolitic chromitites from Southeastern Turkey: chromite composition and geochemistry and mineralogy of platinum group elements
RM Akmaz, I Uysal, S Saka
Geophys. Res. Abstr 15, 2013
Application of electric pulse disaggregation and hydro-separation techniques and chemical investigation of platinum group minerals (PGM) from the concentrate of the Islahiye …
I Uysal, RM Akmaz, T Aiglsperger, AMA Zadeh, F Zaccarini, G Garuti, ...
Ophiolites and Related Ore and Industrial Minerals, 21-21, 2012
Preliminary assessment of graphite resources in Turkey
A Özarslan, L Krebbers, M Bilen, RM Akmaz, BG Lottermoser
Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry, 131-133, 2022
Kızıldağ Ofiyoliti (Hatay, G-Türkiye) İle İlişkili Podiform Kromititlerin Oluşum Modeli ve Petrolojik Önemi
RM Akmaz
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018
MOR vs SSZ origin of the Aladaǧ ophiolite (S-Turkey): implications from clinopyroxene geochemistry
S Saka, I Uysal, M Seitz, R Melih Akmaz
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14018, 2017
Melting and refertilization history of the mantle peridotites from the SSZ-type Guleman ophiolite
S Saka, I Uysal, R Melih Akmaz
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-12429, 2016
Coexistence of compositionally heterogeneous podiform chromitites in the Antalya-Isparta ophiolitic suite, SW Turkey: a record of sequential magmatic processes in the sub-arc …
I Uysal, A Kapsiotis, R Melih Akmaz, S Saka, E Avci, D Müller
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8671, 2015
Mineralogical and geochemical investigation on podiform chromitites from the Guleman Ophiolite, eastern Turkey
R Melih Akmaz, I Uysal, S Saka
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 848, 2014
Mantle Peridotites from the Mersin Ophiolite (S-Turkey): implications for effects of melting and subsequent melt interaction on whole-rock and mineral compositions
S Saka, I Uysal, R Melih Akmaz, M Kaliwoda, U Bagci
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 660, 2014
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