Abdoulaye Ba
Abdoulaye Ba
IREENA et NDTonAIR (www.ndtonair.eu)
在 univ-nantes.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Evaluation of bonding quality with advanced nondestructive testing (Ndt) and data fusion
B Yilmaz, A Ba, E Jasiuniene, HK Bui, G Berthiau
Sensors 20 (18), 5127, 2020
Comparison of different non-destructive testing techniques for bonding quality evaluation
B Yilmaz, A Ba, E Jasiuniene, HK Bui, G Berthiau
2019 IEEE 5th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace …, 2019
Development of multi-physics multi-scale modelling platform for CFRP composites using inductive thermography techniques
A Ba, B Yilmaz, HK Bui, E Jasiuniene, G Berthiau
AeroNDT 2018: 10th international symposium on NDT in aerospace, 24-26 …, 2018
Fast 3D simulation of various applications of induction heating
HK Bui, A Ba, G Berthiau, D Trichet
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 424 (1), 012048, 2018
Simulation of induction thermography NDT technique using SIBC
A Ba, HK Bui, G Berthiau, D Trichet, G Wasselynck
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2020
Impact Damages Detection on CFRP Using Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography
A Ba, Q Yi, J Zhu, HK Bui, GY Tian, G Berthiau, G Wasselynck
Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation (XXIII), 147-151, 2020
Développement d’une plateforme de modélisation multi-physique et multi-échelle des techniques de CND des matériaux composites stratifiés par les techniques des courants de …
A Ba
Nantes, 2021
Eddy-Current Pulsed Thermography for the Detection of Impact Damage on CFRP
A Ba, HK Bui, G Berthiau, Q Yi, J Zhu, GY Tian
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, Paris …, 2019
Detection of Unknown Defects in CFRP Using Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography and Microwave NDT
Q Yi, A Mahmud, J Marindra, J Zhu, A Ba
11th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace (AeroNDT 2019) 25 (2), 2019
Modeling of electromagnetic phenomena within laminate composite material
D Trichet, G Wasselynck, HK Bui, A Pierquin, K Banda, G Berthiau
Рекомендовано до видання Вченою радою НТУ «ХПІ»(Протокол № 8 від 01.11 …, 2024
Welding of Carbon Fibers Composite by Induction Heating
G Wasselynck, HK Bui, A Pierquin, D Trichet, G Berthiau, B Kane, ...
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia, 2021
3D Finite Element Model using SIBC to Accelerate Electromagnetic Thermal Simulation of Induction Thermography Technique
A Ba, HK Bui, G Berthiau, D Trichet, G Wasselynck
2019 19th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics …, 2019
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