Choong-Ki Chung
Choong-Ki Chung
其他姓名Choongki Chung
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Optimal pile arrangement for minimizing differential settlements in piled raft foundations
KN Kim, SH Lee, KS Kim, CK Chung, MM Kim, HS Lee
Computers and Geotechnics 28 (4), 235-253, 2001
Geologic site conditions and site coefficients for estimating earthquake ground motions in the inland areas of Korea
CG Sun, DS Kim, CK Chung
Engineering Geology 81 (4), 446-469, 2005
An experimental study of the interaction of vertically loaded pile groups in sand
SH Lee, CK Chung
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 42 (5), 1485-1493, 2005
Viscous fluid characteristics of liquefied soils and behavior of piles subjected to flow of liquefied soils
JI Hwang, CY Kim, CK Chung, MM Kim
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (2-4), 313-323, 2006
Stress-strain-strength responses of compressible Chicago glacial clays
RJ Finno, CK Chung
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 118 (10), 1607-1625, 1992
Site assessment and evaluation of spatial earthquake ground motion of Kyeongju
DS Kim, CK Chung, CG Sun, ES Bang
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (5), 371-387, 2002
Development and application of a GIS-based tool for earthquake-induced hazard prediction
CG Sun, SH Chun, TG Ha, CK Chung, DS Kim
Computers and Geotechnics 35 (3), 436-449, 2008
Influence of depositional processes on the geotechnical parameters of Chicago glacial clays
CK Chung, RJ Finno
Engineering Geology 32 (4), 225-242, 1992
Evaluation of seismic displacements of quay walls
SR Kim, IS Jang, CK Chung, MM Kim
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 25 (6), 451-459, 2005
Assessment of site effects of a shallow and wide basin using geotechnical information-based spatial characterization
CG Sun, CK Chung
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 28 (12), 1028-1044, 2008
Deduction of correlations between shear wave velocity and geotechnical in-situ penetration test data
CG Sun, HJ Kim, CK Chung
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea 12 (4), 1-10, 2008
Logistic regression model for sinkhole susceptibility due to damaged sewer pipes
K Kim, J Kim, TY Kwak, CK Chung
Natural Hazards 93, 765-785, 2018
Implementation of Bayesian theory on LRFD of axially loaded driven piles
JH Park, D Kim, CK Chung
Computers and Geotechnics 42, 73-80, 2012
Consolidation test at constant rate of strain for radial drainage
CY Yune, CK Chung
Geotechnical Testing Journal 28 (1), 71-78, 2005
Numerical assessment on the consolidation characteristics of clays from strain holding, self-boring pressuremeter test
IS Jang, CK Chung, MM Kim, SM Cho
Computers and Geotechnics 30 (2), 121-140, 2003
Spatial zonations for regional assessment of seismic site effects in the Seoul metropolitan area
CG Sun, HS Kim, CK Chung, HC Chi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 56, 44-56, 2014
A proposition of site coefficients and site classification system for design ground motions at inland of the Korean peninsula
S Chang-Guk, C Choong-Ki
Journal of the Korean geotechnical society 21 (6), 101-115, 2005
Evaluation of ground and building settlement near braced excavation sites by model testing
JW Seok, OY Kim, CK Chung, MM Kim
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 38 (5), 1127-1133, 2001
Model test assessment of the generation of underground cavities and ground cave-ins by damaged sewer pipes
TY Kwak, SI Woo, J Kim, CK Chung
Soils and Foundations 59 (3), 586-600, 2019
Geo-spatial data integration for subsurface stratification of dam site with outlier analyses
HS Kim, CK Chung, HK Kim
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-10, 2016
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