Satoshi Akutsu
Satoshi Akutsu
其他姓名Akutsu Satoshi
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Why do people give? The role of identity in giving
JL Aaker, S Akutsu
Journal of consumer psychology 19 (3), 267-270, 2009
Consequences of beliefs about the malleability of creativity
AJ O'Connor, CJ Nemeth, S Akutsu
Creativity Research Journal 25 (2), 155-162, 2013
Two-component model of general trust: Predicting behavioral trust from attitudinal trust
T Yamagishi, S Akutsu, K Cho, Y Inoue, Y Li, Y Matsumoto
Social Cognition 33 (5), 436, 2015
The effects of self-construals, self-criticism, and self-compassion on depressive symptoms
A Yamaguchi, MS Kim, S Akutsu
Personality and individual differences 68, 65-70, 2014
We have emotions but can’t show them! Authoritarian leadership, emotion suppression climate, and team performance
JTJ Chiang, XP Chen, H Liu, S Akutsu, Z Wang
Human Relations 74 (7), 1082-1111, 2021
Self-compassion and cultural values: A cross-cultural study of self-compassion using a multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) analytical procedure
J Montero-Marin, W Kuyken, C Crane, J Gu, R Baer, AA Al-Awamleh, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2638, 2018
Work, meaning, and gene regulation: Findings from a Japanese information technology firm
S Kitayama, S Akutsu, Y Uchida, SW Cole
Psychoneuroendocrinology 72, 175-181, 2016
Relationship between bicultural identity and psychological well-being among American and Japanese older adults
A Yamaguchi, MS Kim, A Oshio, S Akutsu
Health psychology open 3 (1), 2055102916650093, 2016
The role of anger regulation on perceived stress status and physical health
A Yamaguchi, MS Kim, A Oshio, S Akutsu
Personality and Individual Differences 116, 240-245, 2017
Optimism and the conserved transcriptional response to adversity.
Y Uchida, S Kitayama, S Akutsu, J Park, SW Cole
Health Psychology 37 (11), 1077, 2018
A mentality theory of knowledge creation and transfer: why some smart people resist new ideas and some don’t
K Peng, S Akutsu
Managing Industrial Knowledge Creation, Transfer and Utilization 105, 124, 2001
Culture and business: How can cultural psychologists contribute to research on behaviors in the marketplace and workplace?
T Masuda, K Ito, J Lee, S Suzuki, Y Yasuda, S Akutsu
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1304, 2020
Self-construals, anger regulation, and life satisfaction in the United States and Japan
S Akutsu, A Yamaguchi, MS Kim, A Oshio
Frontiers in Psychology, 768, 2016
Preference and strategy in proposer’s prosocial giving in the ultimatum game
M Inaba, Y Inoue, S Akutsu, N Takahashi, T Yamagishi
PloS one 13 (3), e0193877, 2018
Effects of cultural orientation, self-esteem, and collective self-esteem on well-being
A Yamaguchi, S Akutsu, A Oshio, MS Kim
Psychological Studies 62 (3), 241-249, 2017
The directions and the key elements of branding Japan
S Akutsu
Nation Branding: concepts, issues, practice, 209-235, 2008
Residential mobility and low-commitment groups.
S Oishi, T Talhelm, M Lee, A Komiya, S Akutsu
Archives of Scientific Psychology 3 (1), 54, 2015
From affect to action: How pleasure shapes everyday decisions in Japan and the US
J Quoidbach, Y Sugitani, JJ Gross, M Taquet, S Akutsu
Motivation and Emotion 43 (6), 948-955, 2019
Effects of anger regulation and social anxiety on perceived stress
A Yamaguchi, MS Kim, S Akutsu, A Oshio
Health psychology open 2 (2), 2055102915601583, 2015
The antecedents and consequences of workaholism: findings from the modern Japanese labor market
S Akutsu, F Katsumura, S Yamamoto
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2022
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