Laurent Delobbe
Laurent Delobbe
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
在 meteo.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Evaluation of radar-gauge merging methods for quantitative precipitation estimates
E Goudenhoofdt, L Delobbe
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (2), 195-203, 2009
Bird migration flight altitudes studied by a network of operational weather radars
AM Dokter, F Liechti, H Stark, L Delobbe, P Tabary, I Holleman
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8 (54), 30-43, 2011
Development and verification of a real-time stochastic precipitation nowcasting system for urban hydrology in Belgium
L Foresti, M Reyniers, A Seed, L Delobbe
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (1), 505-527, 2016
Statistical characteristics of convective storms in Belgium derived from volumetric weather radar observations
E Goudenhoofdt, L Delobbe
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 52 (4), 918-934, 2013
Uncertainties in radar echo top heights used for hail detection
L Delobbe, I Holleman
Meteorological Applications 13 (4), 361-374, 2006
OPERA the radar project
E Saltikoff, G Haase, L Delobbe, N Gaussiat, M Martet, D Idziorek, ...
Atmosphere 10 (6), 320, 2019
Generation and verification of rainfall estimates from 10-yr volumetric weather radar measurements
E Goudenhoofdt, L Delobbe
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (4), 1223-1242, 2016
Regional frequency analysis of extreme rainfall in Belgium based on radar estimates
E Goudenhoofdt, L Delobbe, P Willems
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (10), 5385-5399, 2017
Estimating the occurrence and severity of hail based on 10 years of observations from weather radar in B elgium
M Lukach, L Foresti, O Giot, L Delobbe
Meteorological Applications 24 (2), 250-259, 2017
The general observation period 2007 within the priority program on quantitative precipitation forecasting: Concept and first results
S Crewell, M Mech, T Reinhardt, C Selbach, HD Betz, E Brocard, G Dick, ...
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 17 (6), 849-866, 2008
The impact of size distribution assumptions in a bulk one-moment microphysics scheme on simulated surface precipitation and storm dynamics during a low-topped supercell case in …
K Van Weverberg, NPM van Lipzig, L Delobbe
Monthly Weather Review 139 (4), 1131-1147, 2011
Radar techniques for identifying precipitation type and estimating quantity of precipitation
WG Task, M Šálek, JL Cheze, J Handwerker, L Delobbe, R Uijlenhoet
Exploring the potential of multivariate depth‐damage and rainfall‐damage models
L Van Ootegem, K Van Herck, T Creten, E Verhofstadt, L Foresti, ...
Journal of Flood Risk Management 11, S916-S929, 2018
Sensitivity of quantitative precipitation forecast to soil moisture initialization and microphysics parametrization
K Van Weverberg, NPM van Lipzig, L Delobbe, D Lauwaet
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136 (649), 978-996, 2010
Update on the European weather radar network (OPERA)
I Holleman, L Delobbe, A Zgonc
WMO Technical Conference, TECO-2008, 2008
Exploring the use of underground gravity monitoring to evaluate radar estimates of heavy rainfall
L Delobbe, A Watlet, S Wilfert, M Van Camp
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (1), 93-105, 2019
Evaluation of moist processes during intense precipitation in km-scale NWP models using remote sensing and in-situ data: Impact of microphysics size distribution assumptions
K Van Weverberg, NPM van Lipzig, L Delobbe
Atmospheric research 99 (1), 15-38, 2011
Combined use of radar and gauge observations for hydrological applications in the Walloon Region of Belgium
L Delobbe, D Dehem, P Dierickx, E Roulin, M Thunus, C Tricot
IRM, 2006
The role of precipitation size distributions in km‐scale NWP simulations of intense precipitation: evaluation of cloud properties and surface precipitation
K Van Weverberg, NPM van Lipzig, L Delobbe, AM Vogelmann
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 138 (669), 2163-2181, 2012
Site-specific Septoria leaf blotch risk assessment in winter wheat using weather-radar rainfall estimates
A Mahtour, M El Jarroudi, L Delobbe, L Hoffmann, H Maraite, B Tychon
Plant disease 95 (4), 384-393, 2011
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