Fares Kahoul
Fares Kahoul
Université de M'Sila
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Elaboration et caracterisation de ceramiques PZT dope et determination de la frontiere morphotropique
F Kahoul
Universite Mohamed Khider-Biskra, 2013
The influence of Zr/Ti content on the morphotropic phase boundary and on the properties of PZT–SFN piezoelectric ceramics
F Kahoul, L Hamzioui, A Boutarfaia
Energy Procedia 50, 87-96, 2014
Synthesis and Piezoelectric Properties of Pb0.98Sm0.02[(Zry,Ti1–y)0.98(Fe1/23+,Nb1/25+)0.02]O3 Ceramics
F Kahoul, L Hamzioui, N Abdessalem, A Boutarfaia
Scientific Research Publishing, 2012
Effect of Sintering Temperature on the Electromechanical Properties of (1-x) Pb (ZryTi1-y) O3-xSm (Fe3+ 0.5, Nb5+ 0.5) O3 Ceramics
F Kahoul, L Hamzioui, Z Necira, A Boutarfaia
Energy Procedia 36, 1050-1059, 2013
The effect of Nb2O5 addition on the structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Pb0, 98 Ba0, 02 [(Zr0. 52Ti0. 48) 0, 98 (Cr3+ 0.5, Ta5+ 0.5) 0, 02] ceramics
L Hamzioui, F Kahoul, A Boutarfaia
Energy Procedia 74, 198-204, 2015
Phase structure, microstructure, and dielectric properties of (1–x)Pb(Zr0.50 Ti0.50)O3xBa(W2/3 Mn1/3)O3 ceramics
F Kahoul, L Hamzioui, A Guemache, M Aillerie, A Boutarfaia
Ferroelectrics 572 (1), 229-237, 2021
Study of Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (1-x) PZT-xSFN Ceramics Prepared by Conventional Solid State Reaction Method.
F Kahoul, L Hamzioui, A Guemache, M Aillerie, A Boutarfaia
Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 42 (5), 2020
Effect of Zr/Ti Ratio on Piezoelectric and Dielectric Propertiesof 0.1Pb[Fe1/2Nb1/2]O3-0.9Pb[ZrxTi(1–x)]O30 Ceramics
L Hamzioui, F Kahoul, A Guemache, M Aillerie, A Boutarfaia
Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 80 (1), 60-63, 2021
Elimination of the Declared Insecticide by Natural and Modified Clay and Montmorillonite Sodium
LH Abderezak Guemache, Ahmed Bouchelaghem, Mahmoud Drif, Fares Kakoul
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 11 (2), 94-99, 2023
Structural, dielectric and piezoelectric characterization of BFN-modified PZT-based (MPB) ceramics
K Fares, B Sabrina, H Louanes, G Abderrezak, A Michel, B Ahmed
Phase Transitions 96 (3-4), 233-245, 2023
Structure, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Pb [(Zr0. 45, Ti0. 5)(Mn0. 5, Sb0. 5) 0.05] O3 ceramics
L Hamzioui, F Kahoul, A Boutarfaia, A Guemache, M Aillerie
Processing and Application of Ceramics 14 (1), 19-24, 2020
Effects of Phosphorus Addition on Piezoelectric and Mechanical Properties of Pb0. 98Ca0. 02 [(Zr0. 52Ti0. 48) 0.98 (Cr3+ 0.5, Ta5+ 0.5) 0.02] O3
L Hamzioui, F Kahoul, N Zoleikha, N Abdessalem, A Boutarfaia
Energy Procedia 36, 1168-1174, 2013
Removal of a food dye on two solid supports by adsorption
A Guemache, F Kakoul, L Hamzioui, B Samir
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais (RBCIAMB) 58 (3), 447-457, 2023
Properties and Characteristic of Perovskite Type Ca1-xSrxMnO3
LH A. Guemache, A. Bouchelaghem, M. Drif, F. Kahoul
Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 25 (2), 145-185, 2022
Influence of YTS addition on structural and electrical properties of PZT-based ceramics
Y Djoudi, F Kahoul, L Hamzioui, A Guemache
Processing and Application of Ceramics 15 (3), 279-287, 2021
Microstructural, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of SFN-modified PZT ceramics
F Kahoul, L Hamzioui, A Boutarfaia
Energy Procedia 74, 184-190, 2015
The effect of methylene blue on water hardness and antibacterial activity and the environment
A Guemache, D Mahmoud, K Fares, L Hazioui, T Djamel
Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research 7 (2), e70050-e70050, 2024
Structural and dielectric properties of (1-x)Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3-xGdMnO3 ceramics
Y Bakhaled, L Hamzioui, F Kahoul, AH Hamzaoui, A Midouni, M Aillerie
Cerâmica 67 (384), 471-475, 2021
Phase transition, microstructure and electrical properties of Pb1−xYx/2Bix/2[(Zr0.53 Ti0.47)0.92–(Mn1/3 Sb2/3)0.08]O3 piezoelectric ceramics
S Benseghir, F Kahoul, L Hamzioui, M Aillerie
Ferroelectrics 584 (1), 198-211, 2021
Sintering and Properties of Pb0. 98Ca0. 02 [(Zr0. 52Ti0. 48) 0, 98 (Cr3+ 0.5, Ta5+ 0.5) 0, 02] O3 Ferroelectric Ceramics Doped with P2O5
L Hamzioui, F Kahoul, A Boutarfaia
Energy Procedia 50, 121-129, 2014
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