Margriet Hoogvliet
Margriet Hoogvliet
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Challenging the paradigms: holy writ and lay readers in late medieval Europe
S Corbellini, M Van Duijn, S Folkerts, M Hoogvliet
Church History and Religious Culture 93 (2), 171-188, 2013
Artisans and Religious Reading in Late Medieval Italy and Northern France (ca. 1400-ca. 1520)
S Corbellini, M Hoogvliet
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 43 (3), 521-544, 2013
Encouraging lay people to read the Bible in the french vernaculars: new groups of readers and textual communities
M Hoogvliet
Church history and religious culture 93 (2), 239-274, 2013
Pictura et scriptura: textes, images et herméneutique des mappae mundi (XIIIe-XVIe siècle)
M Hoogvliet
Brepols Publishers, 2007
Princely Culture and Catherine de Médicis
M Hoogvliet
Princes and Princely Culture 1450-1650, Volume 1, 103-130, 2003
The medieval vernacular Bible in French as a flexible text: selective and discontinuous reading practices
M Hoogvliet
Form and function in the Late Medieval Bible, 283-306, 2013
Pour faire laies personnes entendre les hystoires des escriptures anciennes”: Theoretical Approaches to a Social History of Religious Reading in the French …
M Hoogvliet
Cultures of Religious Reading in the Late Middle Ages: Instructing the Soul …, 2015
The medieval texts of the 1486 Ptolemy Edition by Johann Reger of Ulm
M Hoogvliet
Imago Mundi 54 (1), 7-18, 2002
Discovering the Riches of the Word: Religious Reading in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
S Corbellini, M Hoogvliet, B Ramakers
Brill, 2015
13 Holy Writ and Lay Readers in Late Medieval Europe: Translation and Participation
S Corbellini, M Hoogvliet
Texts, Transmissions, Receptions, 259-280, 2015
The ignatis quarumdam bestiarium naturis: Texts and Images from the Bestiary on Mediaeval Maps of the World
M Hoogvliet
Animals and the symbolic in Mediaeval art and literature, 189-208, 1997
Animals in context: beasts on the Hereford map and medieval natural history
M Hoogvliet
na, 2006
Mappae mundi and medieval encyclopaedias: Image versus text
M Hoogvliet
2nd COMERS Congress, 63-74, 1997
How to tell a fairy tale with images: narrative theories and French paintings from the Early Nineteenth Century
M Hoogvliet
Relief 4 (2), 198-212, 2010
Mappae Mundi and the medieval hermeneutics of cartographical space
M Hoogvliet
Regions and Landscapes. Reality and Imagination in Late Medieval and Early …, 2000
'Hic nulli habitant propter leones et uros et pardes et tigrides'. Die Zoologie der'Mappae mundi'.
M Hoogvliet
Dämonen, Monster, Fabelwesen (Mittelaltermythen, Band 2), 89-102, 1999
Late Medieval Urban Libraries as Social Practice: Miscellanies, Common Profit Books and Libraries (France, Italy, the Low Countries
S Corbellini, M Hoogvliet, A Speer, L Reuke
Die Bibliothek–The Library–La Bibliothèque. Denkräume und Wissensordnungen …, 2020
5 ‘Car Dieu veult estre serui de tous estaz’: Encouraging and Instructing Laypeople in French from the Late Middle Ages to the Early Sixteenth Century
M Hoogvliet
Discovering the Riches of the Word, 111-140, 2015
Religious Reading in French and Middle Dutch in the Southern Low Countries and Northern France (c. 1400-c. 1520)
M Hoogvliet
Francophone Literary Culture outside France: Studies in the Moving Word, 323-348, 2018
‘Mez puy que je le enten, je suy conten’: French-Middle Dutch Bilingualism in the Towns of the southern Low Countries and Northern France (c. 1400-c. 1550)
M Hoogvliet
Mittelalterliche Stadtsprachen, 43-59, 2016
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