Kamel Tirsatine
Kamel Tirsatine
Physique des matériaux
在 univ-boumerdes.dz 的电子邮件经过验证
Investigation of microstructure and texture evolution of a Mg/Al laminated composite elaborated by accumulative roll bonding
W Habila, H Azzeddine, B Mehdi, K Tirsatine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, ...
Materials Characterization 147, 242-252, 2019
Thermal stability of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing
K Abib, H Azzeddine, K Tirsatine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, F Brisset, B Alili, ...
Materials Characterization 118, 527-534, 2016
Texture and microstructure evolution of Fe–Ni alloy after accumulative roll bonding
K Tirsatine, H Azzeddine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, F Brisset, B Alili, D Bradai
Journal of alloys and compounds 610, 352-360, 2014
An EBSD analysis of Fe-36% Ni alloy processed by HPT at ambient and a warm temperature
K Tirsatine, H Azzeddine, Y Huang, T Baudin, AL Helbert, F Brisset, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 753, 46-53, 2018
Texture evolution of an Fe–Ni alloy sheet produced by cross accumulative roll bonding
H Azzeddine, K Tirsatine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, F Brisset, D Bradai
Materials Characterization 97, 140-149, 2014
On the stored energy evolution after accumulative roll-bonding of invar alloy
H Azzeddine, K Tirsatine, T Baudin, MH Mathon, AL Helbert, F Brisset, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 201, 408-415, 2017
Effect of hot rolling on the corrosion behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy
A Hanna, A Dakhouche, K Tirsatine, A Sari, Y Khereddine, D Bradai, ...
Metallurgical Research & Technology 116 (1), 109, 2019
Influence of Cd and Sn on the kinetics of the GP zones formation in Al-Zn-Mg
M Kadi-Hanifi, K Tirsatine
Materials science forum 331, 2000
On the recrystallization and texture of Fe-36% Ni alloy after accumulative roll bonding and annealing at 600 C
K Tirsatine, H Azzeddine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, F Brisset, D Bradai
Materiálové Inzinierstvo 24 (2), 56-66, 2017
Microstructure, texture, and mechanical properties of Ni-W alloy after accumulative roll bonding
S Boudekhani, H Azzeddine, K Tirsatine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, F Brisset, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27, 5561-5570, 2018
Grain boundary character distribution of CuNiSi and FeNi alloys processed by severe plastic deformation
H Azzeddine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, F Brisset, FH Larbi, K Tirsatine, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 82 (1), 012076, 2015
Texture, microstructure and mechanical properties evolution in Fe-x (x= 36 and 48 wt.%) Ni alloy after accumulative roll bonding
S Boudekhani-Abbas, K Tirsatine, H Azzeddine, B Alili, AL Helbert, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 375 (1), 012034, 2018
Microstructure and microtexture evolution of invar alloy after cross accumulative roll bonding (CARB) compared to ARB
K Tirsatine, H Azzeddine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, F Brisset, D Bradai
Materials Science Forum 879, 744-749, 2017
Neutron diffraction versus EBSD analysis of the texture in Fe-36% Ni alloy after accumulative roll bonding
H Azzeddine, K Tirsatine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, MH Mathon, F Brisset, ...
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2017
Etude par diffraction des rayons x des paramètres microstructuraux de l'état sévèrement déformé de l'alliage Fe-Ni
K Tirsatine
Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari Boumediè, 2014
Influence of Cd, Sn and Ge on the pre-precipitation phase of the Al-Zn-Mg-Cd (Sn) and Cu-Be-Cd (Ge) solid solutions
N Bouzroura, K Tirsatine, M Kadi-Hanifi
Metallurgical Research & Technology 99 (9), 761-765, 2002
Influence de Cd, Sn et Ge sur la phase de pré-précipitation des solutions solides Al-Zn-Mg-Cd (Sn) et Cu-Be-Cd (Ge)
N Bouzroura, K Tirsatine, M Kadi-Hanifi
Revue de métallurgie (Paris) 99 (9), 2002
Contribution à l'étude du durcissement structural des solutions solides AI-7% Zn-3% Mg, AI-7% Zn-3% Mg-0, 05% Cd, AI-7% Zn-3% Mg-0, 05% Sn
K Tirsatine
文章 1–18