R&D cooperation in innovation systems—some lessons from the European Regional Innovation Survey (ERIS) K Koschatzky, R Sternberg European planning studies 8 (4), 487-501, 2000 | 287 | 2000 |
Räumliche Aspekte im Innovationsprozess K Koschatzky LIT Verlag, 2001 | 190 | 2001 |
Innovation networks of industry and business‐related services—relations between innovation intensity of firms and regional inter‐firm cooperation K Koschatzky European Planning Studies 7 (6), 737-757, 1999 | 187 | 1999 |
Innovation Networks: Concepts and Challenges in the European Perspective;... with 28 Tables K Koschatzky, M Kulicke, A Zenker Springer Science & Business Media, 2001 | 186 | 2001 |
Räumliche Aspekte im Innovationsprozess: ein Beitrag zur neuen Wirtschaftsgeographie aus Sicht der regionalen Innovationsforschung K Koschatzky LIT Verlag Münster, 2001 | 173 | 2001 |
Regionale innovationspotentiale und innovative netzwerke M Fritsch, K Koschatzky, L Schätzl, R Sternberg Raumforschung und Raumordnung 56, 243-252, 1998 | 167 | 1998 |
A river is a river-cross-border networking between Baden and Alsace K Koschatzky European Planning Studies 8 (4), 429-449, 2000 | 129 | 2000 |
Fundamentos de la economía de redes K Koschatzky Economía industrial 346 (4), 2002 | 128 | 2002 |
Opening up the innovation system framework towards new actors and institutions P Warnke, K Koschatzky, E Dönitz, A Zenker, T Stahlecker, O Som, ... Fraunhofer ISI Discussion Papers-Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis, 2016 | 124 | 2016 |
Networks in innovation research and innovation policy—an introduction K Koschatzky Innovation networks: concepts and challenges in the European perspective, 3-23, 2001 | 121 | 2001 |
Which side of the coin? The regional governance of science and innovation K Koschatzky, H Kroll Regional studies 41 (8), 1115-1127, 2007 | 117 | 2007 |
Firm innovation and region: the role of space in innovation processes K Koschatzky International Journal of Innovation Management 2 (04), 383-408, 1998 | 117 | 1998 |
The regionalization of innovation policy: new options for regional change? K Koschatzky Rethinking Regional Innovation and Change: Path Dependency or Regional …, 2005 | 116 | 2005 |
The regionalisation of innovation policy in Germany: theoretical foundations and recent experience K Koschatzky Arbeitspapiere Unternehmen und región, 2000 | 109 | 2000 |
Innovative regions? A comparative review of methods of evaluating regional innovation potential C Nauwelaers, A Reid, E Muller, U Gundrum, K Koschatzky European Commission, 1995 | 109 | 1995 |
Networking and knowledge transfer between research and industry in transition countries: empirical evidence from the Slovenian innovation system K Koschatzky The Journal of Technology Transfer 27 (1), 27-38, 2002 | 107 | 2002 |
Development and innovation potential in the Slovene manufacturing industry: analysis of an industrial innovation survey K Koschatzky, U Bross, P Stanovnik Technovation 21 (5), 311-324, 2001 | 100 | 2001 |
Firm characteristics, location and regional innovation: A comparison between Israeli and German industrial firms A Frenkel, D Shefer, K Koschatzky, GH Walter Regional studies 35 (5), 415-429, 2001 | 94 | 2001 |
New forms of strategic research collaboration between firms and universities in the German research system K Koschatzky, T Stahlecker International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 9 (1-2 …, 2010 | 75 | 2010 |
Foresight as a governance concept at the interface between global challenges and regional innovation potentials K Koschatzky European Planning Studies 13 (4), 619-639, 2005 | 66 | 2005 |