Che-Hung Lin (林哲宏)
Che-Hung Lin (林哲宏)
Department of Aquatic Biosciences, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
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An Indo-Pacific coral spawning database
AH Baird, JR Guest, AJ Edwards, AG Bauman, J Bouwmeester, H Mera, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 35, 2021
Moonrise timing is key for synchronized spawning in coral Dipsastraea speciosa
CH Lin, S Takahashi, AJ Mulla, Y Nozawa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (34), e2101985118, 2021
Variability of spawning time (lunar day) in Acropora versus merulinid corals: a 7-yr record of in situ coral spawning in Taiwan
CH Lin, Y Nozawa
Coral Reefs 36 (4), 1269-1278, 2017
Sea urchins (diadematids) promote coral recovery via recruitment on Taiwanese reefs
Y Nozawa, CH Lin, PJ Meng
Coral Reefs 39 (4), 1199-1207, 2020
Effects of colony size and polyp position on polyp fecundity in the scleractinian coral genus Acropora
Y Nozawa, CH Lin
Coral Reefs 33, 1057-1066, 2014
Sea urchins play an increasingly important role for coral resilience across reefs in Taiwan
VDH Dang, PY Cheung, CL Fong, AJ Mulla, JH Shiu, CH Lin, Y Nozawa
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 581945, 2020
Photo-movement of coral larvae influences vertical positioning in the ocean
AJ Mulla, CH Lin, S Takahashi, Y Nozawa
Coral Reefs 40 (4), 1297-1306, 2021
The influence of seawater temperature on the timing of coral spawning
CH Lin, Y Nozawa
Coral Reefs 42 (2), 417-426, 2023
Hourglass Mechanism with Temperature Compensation in the Diel Periodicity of Planulation of the Coral, Seriatopora hystrix
CH Lin, K Soong, TY Fan
PLoS One 8 (5), e64584, 2013
Bathymetric variation in recruitment and relative importance of pre-and post-settlement processes in coral assemblages at Lyudao (Green Island), Taiwan
Y Nozawa, CH Lin, AC Chung
PloS one 8 (11), e81474, 2013
An Indo-Pacific coral spawning database. Sci Data 8: 35
AH Baird, JR Guest, AJ Edwards, AG Bauman, J Bouwmeester, H Mera, ...
Sea urchins play an increasingly important role for coral resilience across reefs in Taiwan. Front
VDH Dang, PY Cheung, CL Fong, AJ Mulla, JH Shiu, CH Lin, Y Nozawa
Mar. Sci 7, 581945, 2020
Species-specific phototaxis of coral larvae causes variation in vertical positioning during dispersal
AJ Mulla, CH Lin, S Takahashi, Y Nozawa
bioRxiv, 2020.07. 31.230235, 2020
An external coincidence model for the lunar cycle reveals circadian phase-dependent moonlight effects on coral spawning
H Komoto, CH Lin, Y Nozawa, A Satake
Journal of Biological Rhythms 38 (2), 148-158, 2023
Coral spawning database
AH Baird, JR Guest, AJ Edwards, AG Bauman, J Bouwmeester, H Mera, ...
Newcastle University, 2020
Natural coral recovery despite negative population growth
AJ Mulla, V Denis, CH Lin, CL Fong, JH Shiu, Y Nozawa
Ecology, e4368, 2024
Bacterial Communities in Coral Offspring Vary Between in situ and ex situ Spawning Environments
JH Shiu, CH Lin, AJ Mulla, VDH Dang, CL Fong, Y Nozawa
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 796514, 2022
The release of “sperm bundles” by Acropora corals
CH Lin, Y Nozawa
Bulletin of Marine Science, 2020
The regulatory mechanisms of synchronous spawning timing (days) in scleractinian corals
CH Lin
National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan), 2019
Bathymetric Variation in Recruitment and Relative Importance of Pre-and Post-Settlement Processes in Coral
Y Nozawa, CH Lin, AC Chung
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