Tegegne Molla Sitotaw
Exploring spatial variations and factors associated with childhood stunting in Ethiopia: spatial and multilevel analysis
D Haile, M Azage, T Mola, R Rainey
BMC pediatrics 16, 1-14, 2016
Estimating soil erosion risk and evaluating erosion control measures for soil conservation planning at Koga watershed in the highlands of Ethiopia
T Molla, B Sisheber
Solid Earth 8 (1), 13-25, 2017
Sacred church forests as sources of wild pollinators for the surrounding smallholder agricultural farms in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
TM Sitotaw, L Willemen, DT Meshesha, A Nelson
Ecological Indicators 137, 108739, 2022
Empirical assessments of small-scale ecosystem service flows in rural mosaic landscapes in the Ethiopian highlands
TM Sitotaw, L Willemen, DT Meshesha, A Nelson
Ecosystem Services 67, 101622, 2024
Sacred church forests as sources of wild pollinators for the surrounding smallholder agricultural farms: a unique combination of religion and crop pollination in the Lake Tana …
TM Sitotaw, L Willemen, DT Meshesha, AD Nelson
3rd ESP Europe Conference 2021: Ecosystem Services Science, Policy and …, 2021
Church forests and traditional wetlands: supporting rural well-being in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
TM Sitotaw, L Willemen, AD Nelson, A Mekuriaw
ESP Europe. Ecosystem Services in a changing world: moving from theory to …, 2018
Modelling the Impact of Ecosystem Fragmentation on Ecosystem Services in the Degraded Ethiopian Highlands
TM Sitotaw, L Willemen, D Meshesha, M Weldemichael, A Nelson
Available at SSRN 4858479, 0
Empirical Assessments of Local Ecosystem Service Flows in Rural Mosaic Landscapes
TM Sitotaw, L Willemen, D Meshesha, A Nelson
Available at SSRN 4536681, 0
Ecosystem services of church forests and wetlands: supporting rural human well‐being in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
TM Sitotaw
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