The change from rifting to thrusting in the Northern calcareous Alps as recorded in Jurassic sediments HJ Gawlick, W Frisch, A Vecsei, T Steiger, F Böhm Geologische rundschau 87, 644-657, 1999 | 177 | 1999 |
The nappe structure of the central Northern Calcareous Alps and its disintegration during Miocene tectonic extrusion—a contribution to understanding the orogenic evolution of … W Frisch, HJ Gawlick International Journal of Earth Sciences 92 (5), 712-727, 2003 | 154 | 2003 |
Mirdita Zone ophiolites and associated sediments in Albania reveal Neotethys Ocean origin HJ Gawlick, W Frisch, L Hoxha, P Dumitrica, L Krystyn, R Lein, S Missoni, ... International Journal of Earth Sciences 97 (4), 865-881, 2008 | 145 | 2008 |
Jurassic Tectonostratigraphy of the Austroalpine domain HJ Gawlick, S Missoni, F Schlagintweit, H Suzuki, W Frisch, L Krystyn, ... Journal of Alpine Geology 50, 1-152, 2009 | 100 | 2009 |
Evidence for Jurassic subduction from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Berchtesgaden; Austroalpine, Germany) S Missoni, HJ Gawlick International Journal of Earth Sciences 100 (7), 1605-1631, 2011 | 94 | 2011 |
Alpine architecture and kinematics of deformation of the northern Pelagonian nappe pile in the Hellenides A Kilias, W Frisch, A Avgerinas, I Dunkl, G Falalakis, HJ Gawlick Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 103, 4-28, 2010 | 82 | 2010 |
The Middle to Late Jurassic carbonate clastic radiolaritic flysch sediments in the Northern Calcareous Alps: Sedimentology, basin evolution, and tectonics--An overview.(With 15 … HJ Gawlick, W Frisch NEUES JAHRBUCH FUR GEOLOGIE UND PALAONTOLOGIE ABHANDLUNGEN 230 (2/3), 163-213, 2003 | 77 | 2003 |
Conodont colour alteration indices: Palaeotemperatures and metamorphism in the Northern Calcareous Alps—a general view HJ Gawlick, L Krystyn, R Lein Geologische Rundschau 83 (3), 660-664, 1994 | 76 | 1994 |
Triassic evolution of the tectonostratigraphic units of the Circum-Pannonian Region S KOVáCS, M Sudar, E GRăDINARU, HJ Gawlick, S Karamata, J Haas, ... Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 151 (3-4), 199-280, 2011 | 71 | 2011 |
Berriasian drowning of the Plassen carbonate platform at the type-locality and its bearing on the early Eoalpine orogenic dynamics in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) HJ Gawlick, F Schlagintweit International Journal of Earth Sciences 95 (3), 451-462, 2006 | 70 | 2006 |
Mikropaläontologie und Biostratigraphie der Plassen-Karbonatplattform der Typlokalität (Ober-Jura bis Unter-Kreide, Salzkammergut, Österreich) F Schlagintweit, HJ Gawlick, R Lein Journal Alpine Geology (Mitt Ges Geol Bergbaustud Österr) 47, 11-102, 2005 | 70 | 2005 |
Jurassic mountain building and Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Northern Calcareous Alps as proven in the Berchtesgaden Alps (Germany) S Missoni, HJ Gawlick Facies 57 (1), 137-186, 2011 | 63 | 2011 |
Middle and Late Jurassic radiolarians from the Neotethys suture in the Eastern Alps L O’Dogherty, Š Goričan, HJ Gawlick Journal of Paleontology 91 (1), 25-72, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
The occurrence and role of microencruster frameworks in Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous platform margin deposits of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) F Schlagintweit, HJ Gawlick Facies 54 (2), 207-231, 2008 | 52 | 2008 |
Triassic metasediments in the internal Dinarides (Kopaonik area, southern Serbia): stratigraphy, paleogeographic and tectonic significance S Schefer, D Egli, S Missoni, D Bernoulli, B Fügenschuh, HJ Gawlick, ... Geologica Carpathica 61 (2), 89-109, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |
The eroded Late Jurassic Kurbnesh carbonate platform in the Mirdita Ophiolite Zone of Albania and its bearing on the Jurassic orogeny of the Neotethys realm F Schlagintweit, HJ Gawlick, S Missoni, L Hoxha, R Lein, W Frisch Swiss Journal of Geosciences 101 (1), 125-138, 2008 | 51 | 2008 |
Sequence and isotope stratigraphy of Late Triassic distal periplatform limestones from the northern Calcareous Alps (Kälberstein Quarry, Berchtesgaden Hallstatt Zone) HJ Gawlick, F Böhm International Journal of Earth Sciences 89, 108-129, 2000 | 47 | 2000 |
New evidence for block and thrust sheet rotations in the central northern Calcareous Alps deduced from two pervasive remagnetization events EL Pueyo, HJ Mauritsch, HJ Gawlick, R Scholger, W Frisch Tectonics 26 (5), 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
TC5011-New evidence for block and thrust sheet rotations in the central northern Calcareous Alps deduced from two pervasive remagnetization events (DOI D10. 1029/2006TC001965) EL PuEyo, HJ Mauritsch, HJ Gawlick, R Scholger, W Frisch Tectonics 26 (5), 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
The economy of Dürrnberg-bei-Hallein: An Iron Age salt-mining centre in the Austrian Alps T Stöllner, H Aspöck, N Boenke, C Dobiat, HJ Gawlick, ... The Antiquaries Journal 83, 123-194, 2003 | 45 | 2003 |