Umatul Khoiriyah
Umatul Khoiriyah
Fakukts Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia
在 uii.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Enhancing students’ learning in problem based learning: validation of a self-assessment scale for active learning and critical thinking
U Khoiriyah, C Roberts, C Jorm, CPM Van der Vleuten
BMC medical education 15, 1-8, 2015
Exploring problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based learning (CBL) in stimulating cognitive skills among medical students: analysis of verbal interaction
U Khoiriyah, DP Wijaya
IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia 21 (4), 2022
Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap peran pasien simulasi dalam ujian OSCE di fakultas kedokteran universitas islam indonesia
NF Ramadhany, U Khoiriyah
JKKI: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia, 21-30, 2011
Mild anxiety and depression related to elevated dopamine level
I Fidianingsih, T Nurmasitoh, AZ Arjana, N Devita, U Khoiriyah
Universa Medicina 38 (1), 48-55, 2019
The relationship between preferences for online large-classroom learning methods and self-directed learning readiness
DP Wijaya, U Khoiriyah
International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021), 88-94, 2021
Identifikasi Motivasi Dan Dukungan Yang Diperlukan Mahasiswa Retaker Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program Profesi Dokter
GR Rahayu, U Khoiriyah
Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia: The Indonesian Journal of Medical …, 2021
Distribusi Pasien PRB pada Peserta BPJS di Klinik SWA Yogyakarta Tahun 2015-2016
GD Prasasti, U Khoiriyah
Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Lampung 1 (2), 288-295, 2016
Psychological Conditions of Undergraduate Students of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia During Pandemic Covid-19
R Lusiantari, MD Pramaningtyas, N Widyaningsih, U Khoiriyah
International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021), 305-309, 2021
High Proportion of Vitamin D Deficiency in Male Adolescents in Yogyakarta Indonesia
AZ Arjana, N Devita, T Nurmasitoh, I Fidianingsih, M Dewi, U Khoiriyah
4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020–Health Science …, 2021
The Effectiveness of the Islamic Input in Medical Practice (IIMP) in Improving the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Medical Students in Malaysia. A 5-year Prospective Study
R Musa, U Khoiriyah, SRM Arifin, AAA Dzulkarnain
IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia 21 (1), 2022
Stimulating critical thinking skills through Critical Thinking Question List (CTQL)
U Khoiriyah, UP Isnaini, RF Utami, NA Djunet, PM Wijayanti, FA Saputra
International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021), 24-28, 2021
The Correlation Between Physical Activity and Academic Motivation of Undergraduate Medical Students of the Universitas Islam Indonesia
SL Nurulita, YY Pratama, H Penadi, IN Timami, AQ Ayun, U Khoiriyah
International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021), 172-175, 2021
Adaptation and Validation of the Muslim Medical Students Questionnaire (MMSQ) in the Indonesian Language
U Khoiriyah, DP Wijaya, R Musa
IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia 20 (2), 2021
Peran Prior Knowledge terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif Mahasiswa Kedokteran dalam Tutorial
US Ningsih, U Khoiriyah
Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Lampung 1 (2), 302-307, 2016
Antraks Pulmoner dan Bioterorisme Pulmonary Anthrax and Bioterorism
U Khoiriyah
Mutiara Medika 5 (2), 2005
Pengembangan Dan Validasi Kueisoner Untuk Mengukur Kepuasan Pasien Terhadap Penerapan Telefarmasi Di Apotek
M Pratiwi, U Khoiriyah, S Hanifah
JOPS (Journal Of Pharmacy and Science) 7 (1), 123-135, 2023
Impact of Obesity on Physical Activity
T Nurmasitoh, U Khoiriyah, I Fidianingsih, AZ Arjana, N Devita
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (A), 988-992, 2021
The Exercise Tendency in Woman with Obesity
U Khoiriyah, MD Pramaningtyas, I Fidianingsih, N Devita, T Nurmasitoh, ...
1st International Conference on Community Health (ICCH 2019), 309-311, 2020
Could students assess themselves? Comparing students self-assessment and tutor assessment
U Khoiriyah
ICME Conference 2019 14 (Riphah Internasonal Islamic Medical coll), 109, 2019
Evaluation the impact of the implementation of self-assessment in PBL tutorials: Does it improve students learning?
U Khoiriyah
AMEE Conference 2019, Vienna, Austria 1 (AMEE), 114, 2019
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