Cheng-Hsien Lee
Cheng-Hsien Lee
在 mail.nsysu.edu.tw 的电子邮件经过验证
Multi-dimensional rheology-based two-phase model for sediment transport and applications to sheet flow and pipeline scour
CH Lee, YM Low, YM Chiew
Physics of Fluids 28 (5), 2016
A two-phase flow model for submarine granular flows: With an application to collapse of deeply-submerged granular columns
CH Lee, Z Huang
Advances in Water Resources 115, 286-300, 2018
A three-phase flow simulation of local scour caused by a submerged wall jet with a water-air interface
CH Lee, C Xu, Z Huang
Advances in Water Resources 129, 373-384, 2019
Numerical simulation of scour around a submarine pipeline using computational fluid dynamics and discrete element method
J Yang, YM Low, CH Lee, YM Chiew
Applied Mathematical Modelling 55, 400-416, 2018
Collapse of submerged granular columns in loose packing: Experiment and two-phase flow simulation
CH Lee, Z Huang, ML Yu
Physics of Fluids 30 (12), 2018
A three-dimensional continuum model incorporating static and kinetic effects for granular flows with applications to collapse of a two-dimensional granular column
CH Lee, Z Huang, YM Chiew
Physics of Fluids 27 (11), 2015
Two-phase modelling of submarine granular flows with shear-induced volume change and pore-pressure feedback
CH Lee
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 907, A31, 2021
Multi-phase-flow modeling of underwater landslides on an inclined plane and consequently generated waves
ML Yu, CH Lee
Advances in Water Resources 133, 103421, 2019
Kinetic-theory-based model of dense granular flows down inclined planes
CH Lee, CJ Huang
Physics of Fluids 24 (7), 2012
Effects of grain size on subaerial granular landslides and resulting impulse waves: experiment and multi-phase flow simulation
CH Lee, Z Huang
Landslides 19 (1), 137-153, 2022
Multi-phase flow simulation of impulsive waves generated by a sub-aerial granular landslide on an erodible slope
CH Lee, Z Huang
Landslides 18 (3), 881-895, 2021
Rough boundary treatment method for the shear-stress transport k - ω model
CH Lee
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 12 (1), 261-269, 2018
Two-phase flow simulation of scour beneath a vibrating pipeline during the tunnel erosion stage
N Tofany, YM Low, CH Lee, YM Chiew
Physics of Fluids 31 (11), 2019
Multi-phase flow modeling of submarine landslides: Transformation from hyperconcentrated flows into turbidity currents
CH Lee
Advances in Water Resources 131, 103383, 2019
Model of sheared granular material and application to surface-driven granular flows under gravity
CH Lee, CJ Huang
Physics of Fluids 22 (4), 2010
A multi-scale turbulent dispersion model for dilute flows with suspended sediment
CH Lee, Z Huang, YM Chiew
Advances in Water Resources 79, 18-34, 2015
Numerical modeling of generation of landslide tsunamis: a review
CH Lee, PHY Lo, H Shi, Z Huang
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 16 (06), 2241001, 2022
Impulsive waves generated by the collapse of a submerged granular column: A three-phase flow simulation with an emphasis on the effects of initial packing condition
ML Yu, CH Lee, Z Huang
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 12 (02), 1840001, 2018
An extrapolation-based boundary treatment for using the lattice Boltzmann method to simulate fluid-particle interaction near a wall
CH Lee, Z Huang, YM Chiew
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 9 (1), 370-381, 2015
Multiphase simulations and experiments of subaqueous granular collapse on an inclined plane in densely packed conditions: Effects of particle size and initial concentration
CH Lee, JY Chen
Physical Review Fluids 7 (4), 044301, 2022
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