Osama Amin
Osama Amin
在 kaust.edu.sa 的电子邮件经过验证
What should 6G be?
S Dang, O Amin, B Shihada, MS Alouini
Nature Electronics 3 (1), 20-29, 2020
Terahertz band: The last piece of RF spectrum puzzle for communication systems
H Elayan, O Amin, B Shihada, RM Shubair, MS Alouini
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 1, 1-32, 2019
Terahertz communication: The opportunities of wireless technology beyond 5G
H Elayan, O Amin, RM Shubair, MS Alouini
2018 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and …, 2018
Visible light communications via intelligent reflecting surfaces: Metasurfaces vs mirror arrays
AM Abdelhady, AKS Salem, O Amin, B Shihada, MS Alouini
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2, 1-20, 2020
Energy efficiency–spectral efficiency tradeoff: A multiobjective optimization approach
O Amin, E Bedeer, MH Ahmed, OA Dobre
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (4), 1975-1981, 2015
Channel estimation for amplify-and-forward relaying: Cascaded against disintegrated estimators
O Amin, B Gedik, M Uysal
IET communications 4 (10), 1207-1216, 2010
On the performance analysis of multirelay cooperative diversity systems with channel estimation errors
O Amin, SS Ikki, M Uysal
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (5), 2050-2059, 2011
Downlink resource allocation for dynamic TDMA-based VLC systems
AM Abdelhady, O Amin, A Chaaban, B Shihada, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (1), 108-120, 2018
An energy consumption model for wireless sensor networks.
M Abo-Zahhad, M Farrag, A Ali, O Amin
ICEAC, 1-4, 2015
Coverage maximization for a poisson field of drone cells
MM Azari, Y Murillo, O Amin, F Rosas, MS Alouini, S Pollin
2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2017
Underlay spectrum sharing techniques with in-band full-duplex systems using improper Gaussian signaling
M Gaafar, O Amin, W Abediseid, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (1), 235-249, 2016
In-Band -Duplex Scheme for Cellular Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach
A AlAmmouri, H ElSawy, O Amin, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (10), 6797-6812, 2016
Performance analysis of single-photon avalanche diode underwater VLC system using ARQ
T Shafique, O Amin, M Abdallah, IS Ansari, MS Alouini, K Qaraqe
IEEE Photonics Journal 9 (5), 1-11, 2017
Opportunistic energy efficient cooperative communication
O Amin, L Lampe
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 1 (5), 412-415, 2012
Underlay cognitive radio systems with improper Gaussian signaling: Outage performance analysis
O Amin, W Abediseid, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (7), 4875-4887, 2016
Communication through breath: Aerosol transmission
M Khalid, O Amin, S Ahmed, B Shihada, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (2), 33-39, 2019
Aqua-Fi: Delivering Internet underwater using wireless optical networks
B Shihada, O Amin, C Bainbridge, S Jardak, O Alkhazragi, TK Ng, B Ooi, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (5), 84-89, 2020
Latency-aware offloading in integrated satellite terrestrial networks
W Abderrahim, O Amin, MS Alouini, B Shihada
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 1, 490-500, 2020
Modeling of viral aerosol transmission and detection
M Khalid, O Amin, S Ahmed, B Shihada, MS Alouini
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (8), 4859-4873, 2020
Overlay spectrum sharing using improper Gaussian signaling
O Amin, W Abediseid, MS Alouini
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (1), 50-62, 2016
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