Garry Falloon
From digital literacy to digital competence: the teacher digital competency (TDC) framework
G Falloon
Educational technology research and development 68 (5), 2449-2472, 2020
Looking to the future: M-learning with the iPad
K Melhuish, G Falloon
University of Otago 22 (3), 1-16, 2010
Young students using iPads: App design and content influences on their learning pathways
G Falloon
Computers & Education 68, 505-521, 2013
Making the connection: Moore’s theory of transactional distance and its relevance to the use of a virtual classroom in postgraduate online teacher education
G Falloon
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 43 (3), 187-209, 2011
Using avatars and virtual environments in learning: What do they have to offer?
G Falloon
British Journal of Educational Technology 41 (1), 108-122, 2010
What's the difference? Learning collaboratively using iPads in conventional classrooms
G Falloon
Computers & education 84, 62-77, 2015
Using simulations to teach young students science concepts: An Experiential Learning theoretical analysis
G Falloon
Computers & Education 135, 138-159, 2019
Exploring young students' talk in iPad-supported collaborative learning environments
G Falloon, E Khoo
Computers & Education 77, 13-28, 2014
An analysis of young students' thinking when completing basic coding tasks using Scratch Jnr. On the iPad
G Falloon
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 32 (6), 576-593, 2016
Understanding K-12 STEM education: A framework for developing STEM literacy
G Falloon, M Hatzigianni, M Bower, A Forbes, M Stevenson
Journal of Science Education and Technology 29, 369-385, 2020
What's going on behind the screens? Researching young students' learning pathways using i P ads
G Falloon
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 30 (4), 318-336, 2014
By design: Professional learning ecologies to develop primary school teachers’ makerspaces pedagogical capabilities
M Stevenson, M Bower, G Falloon, A Forbes, M Hatzigianni
British journal of educational technology 50 (3), 1260-1274, 2019
Mobile devices and apps as scaffolds to science learning in the primary classroom
G Falloon
Journal of Science Education and Technology 26 (6), 613-628, 2017
Exploring the virtual classroom: What students need to know (and teachers should consider)
G Falloon
Merlot 7 (4), 439-451, 2011
Inside the virtual classroom: Student perspectives on affordances and limitations
G Falloon
Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning 16 (1), 108-126, 2012
Young children’s design thinking skills in makerspaces
M Hatzigianni, M Stevenson, G Falloon, M Bower, A Forbes
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 27, 100216, 2021
An analysis of the nature of young students' STEM learning in 3D technology-enhanced makerspaces
A Forbes, G Falloon, M Stevenson, M Hatzigianni, M Bower
Developing Culturally and Developmentally Appropriate Early STEM Learning …, 2023
Adoption of innovative e-learning support for teaching: A multiple case study at the University of Waikato
EM Johnson, B Cowie, W De Lange, G Falloon, C Hight, E Khoo
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 27 (3), 2011
Children’s views on making and designing
M Hatzigianni, M Stevenson, M Bower, G Falloon, A Forbes
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 28 (2), 286-300, 2020
Learning objects and the development of students' key competencies: A New Zealand school experience
G Falloon, A Janson, R Janson
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 26 (5), 2010
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