Sudijanto Kamso
Sudijanto Kamso
在 ui.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pedoman nasional pengendalian tuberkulosis
RI Kemenkes
Jakarta: kementerian kesehatan RI, 2014
Prevalensi dan determinan sindrom metabolik pada kelompok eksekutif di Jakarta dan Sekitarnya
S Kamso, P Purwantyastuti, DU Lubis, R Juwita, YK Robbi, B Besral
Kesmas 6 (2), 5, 2011
Body mass index, total cholesterol, and ratio total to HDL cholesterol were determinants of metabolic syndrome in the Indonesian elderly
S Kamso
Medical journal of Indonesia 16 (3), 195-200, 2007
Pedoman nasional penanggulangan tuberkulosis
TY Aditama, S Kamso, C Basri, A Surya
Edisi ke 2, 2008
Determinants of blood pressure among Indonesian elderly individuals who are of normal and over-weight: a cross sectional study in an urban population.
S Kamso, JSP Rumawas, W Lukito
Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition 16 (3), 2007
Dislipidemia pada lanjut usia di kota Padang
S Kamso, RJ Purwantyastuti, R Juwita
Makara Kesehatan 6 (2), 55-8, 2002
Dislipidemia dan obesitas sentral pada lanjut usia di Kota Padang
S Kamso
Kesmas 2 (2), 5, 2007
Assessing the quality of life among productive age in the general population: A cross-sectional study of family life survey in Indonesia
F Yuniati, S Kamso
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 33 (1), 53-59, 2021
A scoping review on biopsychosocial predictors of mental health among older adults
N Murniati, B Al Aufa, D Kusuma, S Kamso
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (17), 10909, 2022
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in older Indonesians.
S Kamso
Asia-pacific Journal of Public Health 20, 244-250, 2008
The effectiveness of independent family group model to reduce caregiver burden and improve the caregiver ability on providing care for elder person in community
NM Riasmini, S Kamso, J Sahar, S Prasetyo
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science 1 (5), 57-64, 2013
Women's involvement in decision making for unmet need for contraception in Indonesia
Y Amraeni, S Kamso, SB Prasetyo, M Ahmad
Enfermeria clinica 30, 198-201, 2020
Efektivitas model kelompok keluarga mandiri untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup lanjut usia di masyarakat wilayah DKI Jakarta
NM Riasmini, S Kamso, J Sahar, S Prasetyo
Universitas Indonesia. Retrieved from http://lib. ui. ac. id/file, 2013
Nutrition Aspect of Hypertension in the Indonesian Elderly: A Community Study in 6 Big Cities
S Kamso
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
A Matriarchal and Patriarchal Perception on Women's Autonomy in Decision Making on Contraception: Qualitative Analysis in Indonesia.
Y Amraeni, S Kamso, SB Prasetyo, M Nirwan
Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 17, 2021
Improving access to PMTCT services via a novel implementation model: organizational support, health education, and HIV testing at the community level of West Java, Indonesia
D Purnamawati, R Djuwita, K Siregar, S Kamso, B Utomo, H Pratomo, ...
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 58 (5), 282-292, 2020
Pola Unmet Need Kontrasepsi Modern di Indonesia: Analisis Lanjutan Data SDKI 2007, 2012 dan 2017
Y Amraeni, S Kamso, S Sabarinah, P Purwantyastuti
Jurnal Kesmas Jambi 5 (2), 63-70, 2021
Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis Edisi 2
K Aditama, S Kamso, C Basri, A Surya
Jakarta: Depkes RI, 2007
COVID-19 handling report for pre-case, case (pre-hospital and hospital), and post-case phases in the elderly as vulnerable populations in 6 Asia Pacific countries
IH Susilowati, H Nakatani, S Nugraha, S Pengpid, W Keawpan, ...
Global health & medicine 2 (6), 350-359, 2020
Nutritional status of hyperlipidemics elderly in Indonesia according to body mass lndex (study in four Indonesian big cities)
S Kamso, P Purwantyastuti, YSP Rumawas, W Lukito
Medical Journal of Indonesia 14 (2), 97-100, 2005
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