Marie-Amandine Pinault-Thaury
Marie-Amandine Pinault-Thaury
Chargée de recherche CNRS
在 uvsq.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
On the origin of carrier localization in Ga1− xInxNyAs1− y/GaAs quantum wells
MA Pinault, E Tournie
Applied Physics Letters 78 (11), 1562-1564, 2001
Mechanisms affecting the photoluminescence spectra of GaInNAs after post-growth annealing
E Tournié, MA Pinault, A Guzmán
Applied physics letters 80 (22), 4148-4150, 2002
Thick boron doped diamond single crystals for high power electronics
J Achard, F Silva, R Issaoui, O Brinza, A Tallaire, H Schneider, K Isoird, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 20 (2), 145-152, 2011
Annealing effects on the crystal structure of GaInNAs quantum wells with large In and N content grown by molecular beam epitaxy
A Hierro, JM Ulloa, JM Chauveau, A Trampert, MA Pinault, E Tournié, ...
Journal of applied physics 94 (4), 2319-2324, 2003
Influence of alloy stability on the photoluminescence properties of GaAsN/GaAs quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy
MA Pinault, E Tournié
Applied Physics Letters 79 (21), 3404-3406, 2001
Impurity-to-band activation energy in phosphorus doped diamond
I Stenger, MA Pinault-Thaury, T Kociniewski, A Lusson, E Chikoidze, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (7), 2013
The n-type doping of diamond: Present status and pending questions
MA Pinault, J Barjon, T Kociniewski, F Jomard, J Chevallier
Physica B: Condensed Matter 401, 51-56, 2007
Interplay between the growth temperature, microstructure, and optical properties of GaInNAs quantum wells
JM Chauveau, A Trampert, KH Ploog, MA Pinault, E Tournié
Applied physics letters 82 (20), 3451-3453, 2003
Determination of the phosphorus content in diamond using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
J Barjon, P Desfonds, MA Pinault, T Kociniewski, F Jomard, J Chevallier
Journal of applied physics 101 (11), 2007
n‐type CVD diamond doped with phosphorus using the MOCVD technology for dopant incorporation
T Kociniewski, J Barjon, MA Pinault, F Jomard, A Lusson, D Ballutaud, ...
physica status solidi (a) 203 (12), 3136-3141, 2006
GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells grown by molecular-beam epitaxy emitting above 1.5 μm
E Tournie, MA Pinault, M Laügt, JM Chauveau, A Trampert, KH Ploog
Applied physics letters 82 (12), 1845-1847, 2003
Long wavelength GaInNAs/GaAs quantum-well heterostructures grown by solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy
E Tournie, MA Pinault, S Vezian, J Massies, O Tottereau
Applied Physics Letters 77 (14), 2189-2191, 2000
Growth of thick heavily boron-doped diamond single crystals: Effect of microwave power density
R Issaoui, J Achard, F Silva, A Tallaire, A Tardieu, A Gicquel, MA Pinault, ...
Applied physics letters 97 (18), 2010
From GaAs: N to oversaturated GaAsN: Analysis of the band-gap reduction
T Taliercio, R Intartaglia, B Gil, P Lefebvre, T Bretagnon, U Tisch, ...
Physical Review B 69 (7), 073303, 2004
Homoepitaxial boron‐doped diamond with very low compensation
J Barjon, E Chikoidze, F Jomard, Y Dumont, MA Pinault‐Thaury, R Issaoui, ...
physica status solidi (a) 209 (9), 1750-1753, 2012
Phosphorus-doped (113) CVD diamond: A breakthrough towards bipolar diamond devices
JB Marie-Amandine Pinault-Thaury, Solange Temgoua, Rémi Gillet, Hakima ...
Applied Physics Letters 114, 112106, 2019
n-Type CVD diamond: Epitaxy and doping
MA Pinault-Thaury, T Tillocher, N Habka, D Kobor, F Jomard, J Chevallier, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 176 (17), 1401-1408, 2011
Correlations between structural and optical properties of GaInNAs quantum wells grown by MBE
JM Chauveau, A Trampert, MA Pinault, E Tournie, K Du, KH Ploog
Journal of crystal growth 251 (1-4), 383-387, 2003
High reactivity and stability of diamond electrodes: The influence of the B‐doping concentration
E Vanhove, J De Sanoit, P Mailley, MA Pinault, F Jomard, P Bergonzo
physica status solidi (a) 206 (9), 2063-2069, 2009
Growth of thick and heavily boron-doped (113)-oriented CVD diamond films
A Tallaire, A Valentin, V Mille, L William, MA Pinault-Thaury, F Jomard, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 66, 61-66, 2016
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