Luciana Maria Paes da Silva Ramos Fernandes
Luciana Maria Paes da Silva Ramos Fernandes
DDS, MSc, PhD, Dental School of Bauru- University of São Paulo (BRAZIL)
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Accessory mental foramina: prevalence, position and diameter assessed by cone‐beam computed tomography and digital panoramic radiographs
TSN Imada, LMPSR Fernandes, BS Centurion, C de Oliveira‐Santos, ...
Clinical oral implants research 25 (2), e94-e99, 2014
Detection of various anatomic patterns of root canals in mandibular incisors using digital periapical radiography, 3 cone-beam computed tomographic scanners, and micro–computed …
LMP da Silva Ramos, D Rice, R Ordinola-Zapata, ALA Capelozza, ...
Journal of endodontics 40 (1), 42-45, 2014
The influence of cone-beam computed tomography and periapical radiographic evaluation on the assessment of periapical bone destruction in dog's teeth
R Ordinola-Zapata, CM Bramante, MH Duarte, LMPS Fernandes, ...
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 2011
Radiographic findings in patients with medication‐related osteonecrosis of the jaw
CL Cardoso, CA Barros, C Curra, LMPSR Fernandes, SOB Franzolin, ...
International journal of dentistry 2017 (1), 3190301, 2017
Absence and hypoplasia of the mental foramen detected in CBCT images: a case report
LMP da Silva Ramos Fernandes, ALÁ Capelozza, IRF Rubira-Bullen
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 33, 731-734, 2011
Prevalence of apical periodontitis detected in cone beam CT images of a Brazilian subpopulation
LMPSR Fernandes, R Ordinola-Zapata, MAH Duarte, ALA Capelozza
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 2012
Xeroderma Pigmentosum–A case report with oral implications
C Lopes-Cardoso, LMP da Silva Ramos, J Ferreira-Rocha, ...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry 4 (4), e248, 2012
Abordagem cirúrgica de hemangioma intraoral
CL Cardoso, LMPSR Fernandes, JF Rocha, ES Gonçales, ...
Odontologia Clínico-Científica (Online) 9 (2), 177-180, 2010
Anatomical study of the posterior mandible: Lateral lingual foramina in cone beam computed tomography
CR Sanomiya Ikuta, LM Paes da Silva Ramos Fernandes, ML Poleti, ...
IMPLANT DENTISTRY 25 (2), 247-251, 2016
Microbiologic cross-contamination and infection control in intraoral conventional and digital radiology
LMPSR Fernandes, RO Zapata, IRF Rubira-Bullen, ALA Capelozza
RGO. Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Online) 61 (4), 609-614, 2013
Rosai-Dorfman Disease With Widespread Oral-Maxillofacial Manifestations: A Case Report.
CL Cardoso, JH Damante, SPS da Silva, TLA de Assis, RFLM da Silva, ...
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery: official journal of the American …, 2012
Dental caries and related factors in Brazilian children from fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas
TM Parisotto, LMP Fernandes, FG Carvalho, EO Coelho, ...
Revista Odonto Ciência 25, 339-343, 2010
Características cranianas, faciais e dentárias em indivíduos acondroplásicos Craniofacial and dental features in achondroplastic individuals
R Cardoso, S Ajzen, KCP Santos, C Costa, JX Oliveira
Rev Inst Ciênc Saúde 27 (2), 171-5, 2009
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis with involvement of the temporomandibular joint: the role of image examinations
KIS Effio, LMP Silva, R Fernandes, MEP Dutra, M Marcucci, JX Oliveira
Revista Odonto Ciência 25, 104-107, 2010
Anatomical variation of the maxillary sinus in cone beam computed tomography
ML Poleti, LM Paes da Silva Ramos Fernandes, C Oliveira-Santos, ...
Case Reports in Dentistry 2014 (1), 707261, 2014
Cone beam computed tomography: a tool for the diagnosis of confusing periapical lesions in conventional radiographs
LMP da Silva Ramos, CL Cardoso, IRF Rubira-Bullen, ALA Capelozza
Indian Journal of Dental Research 25 (1), 99-101, 2014
Dentinogênese imperfeita familiar: relato de caso.
LMP Fernandes, MHH Rodriguez, CÂ Lascala
Revista Odonto Ciencia 23 (2), 2008
Variações anatômicas do canal mandibular detectadas em imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico
LMPSR Fernandes, BS Centurion, TFL Oliveira, O Pagin, ALA Capelozza, ...
ImplantNews, 757-760, 2013
Revisão das significações do conceito de Espiritualidade em Enfermagem
S Caldeira, M Araújo, M Vieira, V Braga, L Sá, L Fernandes
Exostoses vestibulares assintomáticas: relato de caso
LMPSR Fernandes, ALÁ Capelozza
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent, 39-41, 2011
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