The informational content of implied volatility L Canina, S Figlewski The Review of Financial Studies 6 (3), 659-681, 1993 | 1267 | 1993 |
Forecasting volatility S Figlewski Financial markets, institutions & instruments 6 (1), 1-88, 1997 | 745 | 1997 |
Options, short sales, and market completeness S Figlewski, GP Webb The Journal of Finance 48 (2), 761-777, 1993 | 686 | 1993 |
Estimation of the optimal futures hedge SG Cecchetti, RE Cumby, S Figlewski The Review of Economics and Statistics, 623-630, 1988 | 675 | 1988 |
Hedging performance and basis risk in stock index futures S Figlewski The Journal of Finance 39 (3), 657-669, 1984 | 654 | 1984 |
The informational effects of restrictions on short sales: Some empirical evidence S Figlewski Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 16 (4), 463-476, 1981 | 588 | 1981 |
Options arbitrage in imperfect markets S Figlewski The journal of Finance 44 (5), 1289-1311, 1989 | 442 | 1989 |
The formation of inflationary expectations S Figlewski, P Wachtel The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-10, 1981 | 378 | 1981 |
Futures trading and volatility in the GNMA market S Figlewski The Journal of Finance 36 (2), 445-456, 1981 | 372 | 1981 |
Modeling the effect of macroeconomic factors on corporate default and credit rating transitions S Figlewski, H Frydman, W Liang International Review of Economics & Finance 21 (1), 87-105, 2012 | 367 | 2012 |
Market risk and model risk for a financial institution writing options TC Green, S Figlewski The journal of finance 54 (4), 1465-1499, 1999 | 364 | 1999 |
The adaptive mesh model: a new approach to efficient option pricing S Figlewski, B Gao Journal of Financial Economics 53 (3), 313-351, 1999 | 329 | 1999 |
Is the'Leverage Effect'a leverage effect? S Figlewski, X Wang Available at SSRN 256109, 2000 | 328 | 2000 |
Subjective information and market efficiency in a betting market S Figlewski Journal of Political Economy 87 (1), 75-88, 1979 | 305 | 1979 |
Estimating the implied risk neutral density S Figlewski Volatility and Time Series Econometrics: Essay in Honor of Robert F. Engle …, 2008 | 283 | 2008 |
Market" efficiency" in a market with heterogeneous information S Figlewski Journal of Political Economy 86 (4), 581-597, 1978 | 265 | 1978 |
Margins and market integrity: Margin setting for stock index futures and options S Figlewski The Journal of Futures Markets (pre-1986) 4 (3), 385, 1984 | 243 | 1984 |
Hedging with stock index futures: theory and application in a new market S Figlewski The Journal of Futures Markets (pre-1986) 5 (2), 183, 1985 | 198 | 1985 |
Forecasting volatilities and correlations with EGARCH models R Cumby, S Figlewski, J Hasbrouck The Journal of Derivatives 1 (2), 51-63, 1993 | 160 | 1993 |
Anatomy of a Meltdown: The Risk Neutral Density for the S&P 500 in the Fall of 2008 J Birru, S Figlewski Journal of Financial Markets 15 (2), 151-180, 2012 | 152 | 2012 |