Hanna Karlsson Potter
Hanna Karlsson Potter
在 slu.se 的电子邮件经过验证
Review of methodological choices in LCA of biorefinery systems‐key issues and recommendations
S Ahlgren, A Björklund, A Ekman, H Karlsson, J Berlin, P Börjesson, ...
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 9 (5), 606-619, 2015
Evaluating the sustainability of diets–combining environmental and nutritional aspects
E Röös, H Karlsson, C Witthöft, C Sundberg
Environmental Science & Policy 47, 157-166, 2015
Ethanol production in biorefineries using lignocellulosic feedstock–GHG performance, energy balance and implications of life cycle calculation methodology
H Karlsson, P Börjesson, PA Hansson, S Ahlgren
Journal of cleaner production 83, 420-427, 2014
Effect of eating seasonal on the carbon footprint of Swedish vegetable consumption
E Röös, H Karlsson
Journal of Cleaner Production 59, 63-72, 2013
Benchmarking the Swedish diet relative to global and national environmental targets—identification of indicator limitations and data gaps
E Moberg, H Karlsson Potter, A Wood, PA Hansson, E Röös
Sustainability 12 (4), 1407, 2020
A systems analysis of biodiesel production from wheat straw using oleaginous yeast: process design, mass and energy balances
H Karlsson, S Ahlgren, M Sandgren, V Passoth, O Wallberg, PA Hansson
Biotechnology for Biofuels 9, 1-13, 2016
Additional cooking fuel supply and reduced global warming potential from recycling charcoal dust into charcoal briquette in Kenya
M Njenga, N Karanja, H Karlsson, R Jamnadass, M Iiyama, J Kithinji, ...
Journal of cleaner production 81, 81-88, 2014
Multi-criteria evaluation of plant-based foods–use of environmental footprint and LCA data for consumer guidance
HK Potter, E Röös
Journal of Cleaner Production 280, 124721, 2021
Towards sustainable consumption of legumes: How origin, processing and transport affect the environmental impact of pulses
P Tidåker, HK Potter, G Carlsson, E Röös
Sustainable production and consumption 27, 496-508, 2021
LCA of biorefinieries-identification of key issues and methodological recommendations
S Ahlgren, A Björklund, A Ekman, H Karlsson, J Berlin, P Börjesson, ...
f3 The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels,, 2013
Greenhouse gas performance of biochemical biodiesel production from straw: soil organic carbon changes and time-dependent climate impact
H Karlsson, S Ahlgren, M Sandgren, V Passoth, O Wallberg, PA Hansson
Biotechnology for biofuels 10, 1-15, 2017
Faba beans for biorefinery feedstock or feed? Greenhouse gas and energy balances of different applications
H Karlsson, S Ahlgren, I Strid, PA Hansson
Agricultural Systems 141, 138-148, 2015
Sustainable performance of lignocellulose-based ethanol and biogas co-produced in innovative biorefinery systems
P Börjesson, S Ahlgren, Z Barta, L Björnsson, A Ekman, P Erlandsson, ...
Miljö-och energisystem, LTH, Lunds universitet, 2013
Environmental impact of plant-based foods
HK Potter, L Lundmark, E Röös
Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Available online at …, 2020
Seasonal vegetables; an environmental assessment of seasonal food
H Karlsson
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2012
Soil Carbon Modelling in Salix Biomass Plantations: Variety Determines Carbon Sequestration and Climate Impacts
S Kalita, HK Potter, M Weih, C Baum, Å Nordberg, PA Hansson
Forests 12 (11), 1529, 2021
Environmental impact of plant-based foods–data collection for the development of a consumer guide for plant-based foods
H Karlsson Potter, L Lundmark, E Röös
Rapport (Institutionen för energi och teknik, SLU), 2020
From straw to salmon: a technical design and energy balance for production of yeast oil for fish feed from wheat straw
C Sigtryggsson, H Karlsson Potter, V Passoth, PA Hansson
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 16 (1), 140, 2023
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
G Peters, R Harder, R Arvidsson, H Baumann, A Björklund, M Despeisse, ...
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24, 1758-1759, 2019
Mer och bättre vall till mjölkproduktion och återväxtvall till biogas
I Strid, C Gunnarsson, H Karlsson, M Edström, J Bertilsson
Uppsala, Institutionen för energi och teknik, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet 88, 2012
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