Dany Hage, MD
Dany Hage, MD
在 uw.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Anatomy education for medical students in a virtual reality workspace: A pilot study
K Nakai, S Terada, A Takahara, D Hage, RS Tubbs, J Iwanaga
Clinical Anatomy 35 (1), 40-44, 2022
Ligaments stabilizing the sacrum and sacroiliac joint: a comprehensive review
K Ashby, E Yilmaz, M Mathkour, Ł Olewnik, D Hage, J Iwanaga, M Loukas, ...
Neurosurgical Review 45 (1), 357-364, 2022
Choroidal sarcoid granuloma: a case report and review of the literature
DG Hage, CH Wahab, WJ Kheir
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection 12 (1), 31, 2022
Duplication of the external jugular vein: a language barrier of database search in classic anatomical studies
K Ono, N Yoshioka, D Hage, S Ibaragi, RS Tubbs, J Iwanaga
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 1-8, 2021
Early ophthalmological manifestations of acute myeloid leukemia: Current perspectives
NA El Salloukh, DG Hage, AZ Bashshur, WJ Kheir
Clinical Ophthalmology, 2119-2127, 2022
Dual innervation of the submandibular gland by nerve to mylohyoid and chorda tympani
S Ryumon, D Hage, S Ibaragi, T Okui, RS Tubbs, J Iwanaga
Morphologie 105 (351), 316-318, 2021
Caudal regression syndrome and a pelvic kidney: case report
D Hage, J Iwanaga, AS Dumont, RS Tubbs
Anatomy & Cell Biology 53 (4), 509-511, 2020
Ascending palatine branch from the lingual artery with multiple other variations of the external carotid artery
C Escoffier, D Hage, T Tanaka, RS Tubbs, J Iwanaga
Folia Morphologica 82 (1), 205-210, 2023
The posterior cranial fossa’s dura mater innervation and its clinical implication in headache: a comprehensive review
D Hage, M Mathkour, J Iwanaga, AS Dumont, RS Tubbs
Folia Morphologica 81 (4), 843-850, 2022
Chiari 1.5 malformation, accessory odontoid synchondrosis, and ventral compression: case report
D Hage, J Iwanaga, CJ Bui, AS Dumont, RS Tubbs
Anatomy & Cell Biology 54 (1), 128-131, 2021
Accessory anterior ethmoidal nerve and artery: a cadaveric case report
D Hage, J Iwanaga, A Danaei, A Sadr, RS Tubbs
Folia morphologica 82 (1), 183-186, 2023
Are the Ethmoidal Foramina Through the Frontal Bone, Ethmoid Bone, or Frontoethmoidal Suture?
J Iwanaga, R Dindial, D Hage, M Mathkour, M Loukas, JA Walocha, ...
The Kurume Medical Journal 69 (3.4), 195-199, 2022
Duplication of the external jugular vein: a language barrier of database search in classic anatomical studies (Feb, 10.1007/s00276-021-02717-6, 2021)
K Ono, N Yoshioka, D Hage, S Ibaragi, RS Tubbs, J Iwanaga
SURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY 43 (10), 1729-1730, 2021
Herniation of Fat from the Infraorbital Canal into the Maxillary Sinus: A Cadaveric Case Report
D Hage, J Iwanaga, AS Dumont, RS Tubbs
The Kurume Medical Journal 67 (4), 189-192, 2020
Case report of a vertical straight sinus with hydrocephalus and Chiari I malformation
D Hage, J Iwanaga, AS Dumont, RS Tubbs
Anatomy & Cell Biology 53 (4), 516-518, 2020
Double innervation de la glande sous-maxillaire par le nerf mylohyoïdien et la chorde du tympan
S Ryumon, D Hage, S Ibaragi, T Okui, RS Tubbs, J Iwanaga
Morphologie, 2020
Accessory anterior ethmoidal nerve and artery: a cadaveric
D Hage, J Iwanaga, A Danaei, A Sadr, RS Tubbs
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