Gonzalo Guerrero
Teachers as researchers: Reflecting on the Challenges of Research-Practice Partnerships between School and University in Chile.
GR Guerrero-Hernández, RA Fernández-Ugalde
London Review of Education 18 (3), 423-438, 2020
Scientific literacy and agency within the Chilean science curriculum: A critical discourse analysis
GR Guerrero, B Torres‐Olave
The Curriculum Journal 33 (3), 410-426, 2022
Science outside the classroom: exploring opportunities from interdisciplinarity and research–practice partnerships
GR Guerrero, MJ Reiss
International Journal of Science Education 42 (9), 1522-1543, 2020
Climate change in Chile’s school science curriculum
I Salinas, G Guerrero, M Satlov, P Hidalgo
Sustainability 14 (22), 15212, 2022
Climate change in Chile’s school science curriculum. Sustainability, 14 (22), 15212
I Salinas, G Guerrero, M Satlov, P Hidalgo
Inter y transdisciplinariedad en textos escolares de física: un estudio de dos casos
FJ Perales Palacios, G Guerrero
Ápice. Revista de Educación Científica 1 (1), 74-89, 2017
Caracterización del nivel de razonamiento científico en futuros profesores: desafíos para la formación inicial docente
GR Guerrero, S Tecpan, SP Rojas-Rojas, CL Joglar
Formación universitaria 13 (5), 45-56, 2020
Characterisation of scientific reasoning levels among pedagogy freshman students: challenges for initial teacher education [Caracterización de los niveles de razonamiento …
GR Guerrero, S Tecpan, SP Rojas-Rojas, CL Joglar
Formación Universitaria 13 (5), 45-56, 2020
Critical scientific and environmental literacies: a systematic and critical review
G Guerrero, J Sjöström
Studies in Science Education, 2024
Critical scientific literacy approach and critical theories in the learning of science outside the classroom
G Guerrero-Hernández, L Rojas-Avilez, C González-Weil
How people learn in informal science environments, 119-136, 2023
Science Education for Students’ Critical Scientific and Environmental Literacies: Experiences from Latin America
G Guerrero, L Rojas-Avilez, C González-Weil, N Ibaceta-Guerra, ...
Rethinking Science Education in Latin-America: Diversity and Equity for …, 2024
What is meant by scientific literacy in the curriculum? A comparative analysis between Bolivia and Chile
M Norambuena-Meléndez, GR Guerrero, C González-Weil
Cultural Studies of Science Education 18 (3), 937-958, 2023
Scientific culture in the normative and curriculum documents of Initial Teacher Education in Chile
F Pérez-Rodríguez, GR Guerrero, S Donoso-Díaz
Cultural Studies of Science Education, 1-21, 2024
Design and Validation of a Classroom Observation Instrument to Evaluate the Quality of Mathematical Activity from a Gender Perspective
L Espinoza Salfate, G Guerrero, J Barbé Farré, F Márquez Salinas
Education Sciences 13 (3), 266, 2023
Alfabetización científica y agencia en el currículo chileno: tensiones y desafíos
G Guerrero, BT Olave
1er Congreso Internacional sobre Educación Científica y Problemas Relevantes …, 2020
Navigating collaborative and participatory research during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Emerging possibilities from a network of PhD students
G Guerrero, J Dobson
Possibility Studies & Society, 27538699241258883, 2024
Alfabetizaciones científicas y ambientales críticas: una revisión sistemática y crítica
G Guerrero, J Sjöström
Community-Based Outdoor Science Education in Chile: A Contribution to Expanding Networks within Pro-Eco-Justice Dispositifs
G Guerrero
Journal for Activist Science and Technology Education 12 (1), 2022
Expanding Pro-ecojust Dispositifs In/Through Science & Technology Education
JL Bencze
Journal for Activist Science and Technology Education 12 (1), 2022
Meeting Them ‘Where They’re At’: Critical Secondary School NoS Resource Development
N Kofman, M Zouda, S El Halwany, D Del Gobbo, SI Khan, G Guerrero, ...
Journal for Activist Science and Technology Education 12 (1), 2022
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