Gabriel Muinos
Gabriel Muinos
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Urban green space: creating a triple win for environmental sustainability, health, and health equity through behavior change
H Kruize, N van der Vliet, B Staatsen, R Bell, A Chiabai, G Muiños, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (22), 4403, 2019
All you need is Facebook friends? Associations between online and face-to-face friendships and health
ML Lima, S Marques, G Muiños, C Camilo
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 68, 2017
Frugality and psychological wellbeing. The role of voluntary restriction and the resourceful use of resources/Frugalidad y bienestar psicológico. El papel de la restricción …
G Muiños, E Suárez, S Hess, B Hernández
Psyecology 6 (2), 169-190, 2015
Parents modelling, peer influence and peer selection impact on adolescent smoking behavior: a longitudinal study in two age cohorts
P Vitória, SE Pereira, G Muinos, H De Vries, ML Lima
Addictive Behaviors 100, 106131, 2020
The influence of environmental self-identity on the relationship between consumer identities and frugal behavior
D Gil-Giménez, G Rolo-González, E Suárez, G Muinos
Sustainability 13 (17), 9664, 2021
Influence of perceived environmental quality on the perceived restorativeness of public spaces
ML Ríos-Rodríguez, C Rosales, M Lorenzo, G Muinos, B Hernández
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 644763, 2021
Neighborhood care and neighborhood bonds: An unequal relationship
MC Hidalgo, P Moreno-Jiménez, G Muiños, B Hernández
Environment and Behavior 53 (6), 571-600, 2021
Current developments in environmental psychology: topics and researchers / Desarrollos actuales en psicología ambiental: temas e investigadores
E van der Werff, G Perlaviciute, G Muiños
Psyecology 7 (3), 229-235, 2016
Public opinion about solar radiation management: A cross-cultural study in 20 countries around the world
N Contzen, G Perlaviciute, L Steg, SC Reckels, S Alves, D Bidwell, ...
Climatic Change 177 (4), 65, 2024
Psychological impact of a country-wide lockdown. Role of personal, behavioral, social, and physical conditions on negative and positive affect and meaning in life
E Suárez, G Rolo-González, G Muinos, C Chinea-Montesdeoca, ...
Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology 56 …, 2022
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