World Investment Report UNCTD UNCTAD World Investment Report. Transnatilonal Corporations and the Infrastructure …, 2008 | 1521* | 2008 |
Estadisticas historicas de España siglos XIX y XX A Carreras, X Tafunell, M Drelichman, A Carreras, X Tafunell Bilbao: Fundacin BBVA, 2005 | 844 | 2005 |
Did new public management matter? An empirical analysis of the outsourcing and decentralization effects on public sector size JM Alonso, J Clifton, D Díaz-Fuentes Public Management Review 17 (5), 643-660, 2015 | 448 | 2015 |
Foreign direct investment by emerging market multinational enterprises, the impact of the financial crisis and recession, and challenges ahead KP Sauvant, WA Maschek, G McAllister Foreign direct investments from emerging markets: The challenges ahead, 3-29, 2010 | 281 | 2010 |
Privatizing public enterprises in the European Union 1960–2002: ideological, pragmatic, inevitable? J Clifton, F Comín, D Diaz Fuentes Journal of European Public Policy 13 (5), 736-756, 2006 | 261 | 2006 |
Privatisation in the European Union: Public Enterprises and Integration J Clifton, F Comín, D Diaz Fuentes Springer, 2003 | 252 | 2003 |
The impact of New Public Management on efficiency: An analysis of Madrid's hospitals JM Alonso, J Clifton, D Diaz-Fuentes Health Policy 119 (3), 333-340, 2015 | 240 | 2015 |
Latin America and the world economy since 1800 JH Coatsworth, AM Taylor (No Title), 1998 | 198 | 1998 |
Public administration reforms in Europe: The view from the top G Hammerschmid, S Van de Walle, R Andrews, P Bezes Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016 | 194 | 2016 |
Sector público administrativo y estado del bienestar F Comín, D Díaz Estadísticas Históricas de España: Siglos XIX y XX, 2nd edition edn …, 2005 | 184 | 2005 |
EVALUATING EU POLICIES ON PUBLIC SERVICES: A CITIZENS'PERSPECTIVE J Clifton, D Díaz‐Fuentes Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 81 (2), 281-311, 2010 | 125 | 2010 |
Organizing for coordination in the public sector: practices and lessons from 12 European countries P Lægreid, K Sarapuu, L Rykkja, T Randma-Liiv Springer, 2016 | 120 | 2016 |
The Future of Public Enterprises: Contributions to a New Discourse. M Florio, F Fecher Annals of Public & Cooperative Economics 82 (4), 2011 | 118 | 2011 |
Blockchain for public services: A systematic literature review D Cagigas, J Clifton, D Diaz-Fuentes, M Fernández-Gutiérrez IEEE Access 9, 13904-13921, 2021 | 117 | 2021 |
‘EMPOWERING EUROPE'S CITIZENS’? Towards a charter for services of general interest J Clifton, F Comín, D Díaz Fuentes Public Management Review 7 (3), 417-443, 2005 | 106 | 2005 |
From national monopoly to multinational corporation: How regulation shaped the road towards telecommunications internationalisation J Clifton, F Comín, D Díaz-Fuentes Business History 53 (5), 761-781, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
Multinational corporations from emerging markets: State capitalism 3.0 AN ed. Springer, 2014 | 95 | 2014 |
Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction? Looking Over the Long Run L Bértola, J Williamson Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction?: Looking Over the Long Run., 2017 | 88 | 2017 |
La empresa pública en Europa: una perspectiva histórica F Comín, DD Fuentes Síntesis, 2004 | 85 | 2004 |
Transforming public enterprise in Europe and North America J Clifton, F Comín, D Díaz-Fuentes Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2007 | 82 | 2007 |