Dr. Farah N. Mawani
Dr. Farah N. Mawani
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Human and Social Development, University of Victoria
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Social support and the significance of shared experience in refugee migration and resettlement
L Simich, M Beiser, FN Mawani
Western journal of nursing research 25 (7), 872-891, 2003
Validation of self-rated mental health
FN Mawani, H Gilmour
Health Rep 21 (3), 61-75, 2010
Social determinants of refugee mental health
FN Mawani
Refuge and resilience: Promoting resilience and mental health among …, 2014
Paved with good intentions: Canada's refugee destining policy and paths of secondary migration
L Simich, M Beiser, F Mawani
Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, 597-607, 2002
COVID-19 economic response and recovery: a rapid scoping review
FN Mawani, V Gunn, P O’Campo, M Anagnostou, C Muntaner, ...
International Journal of Health Services 51 (2), 247-260, 2021
Meanings of social support, coping, and help-seeking strategies among immigrants and refugees in Toronto
L Simich, F Mawani, F Wu
CERIS-The Ontario Metropolis Centre, 2004
Gender, migration and health
AS Bierman, F Ahmad, FN Mawani
Racialized migrant women in Canada: Essays on health, violence, and equity …, 2009
Managing Faculty-Student Collaborations in Research and Authorship.
N Arthur, JP Anchan, D Este, N Khanlou, SM Kwok, F Mawani
Canadian Journal of Counselling 38 (3), 177-192, 2004
Social determinants of depression among immigrant and refugee women
F Mawani
Working with immigrant women: Issues and strategies for mental health …, 2008
Making contributions and defining success: an eDelphi study of the inaugural cohort of CIHR health system impact fellows, host supervisors and academic supervisors
MA Blanchette, M Saari, K Aubrecht, C Bailey, I Cheng, M Embrett, J Haw, ...
Healthcare Policy 15 (SP), 49, 2019
Refuge and resilience [internet]
FN Mawani
Refuge and Resilience, 27-50, 2014
Conceptualization, measurement, and association of underemployment to mental health inequities between immigrant and Canadian-born labour force participants
FN Mawani
University of Toronto (Canada), 2018
Building Roads Together: a peer-led, community-based walking and rolling peer support program for inclusion and mental health
FN Mawani, S Ibrahim
Canadian Journal of Public Health 112, 142-151, 2021
Meaning of social support, coping and help-seeking strategies among immigrants and refugees in Toronto, vol. 2
L Simich, F Mawani, F Wu, A Noor
Toronto: Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement, 2004
Sharing attachment across cultures: Learning from immigrants and refugees
FN Mawani
Health Canada 85, 2001
Paved with good intentions: Paths of secondary migration of government-assisted refugees in Ontario
L Simich, M Beiser, F Mawani, J O’Hare
Toronto: University of Toronto, 2001
Validation de l'autoévaluation de la santé mentale
FN Mawani, H Gilmour
Statistique Canada, 2010
Reflections on teaching, learning and doing participatory research in a graduate seminar
S Flicker, FN Mawani, M Dellavilla
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action …, 2019
Equity and Women’s Health
A Bierman, B Ko, F Mawani
Rapport, 2003
Opportunity costs: Underemployment and mental health inequities between immigrant and Canadian-born labour force participants: A cross-sectional study
FN Mawani, P O’Campo, P Smith
Journal of International Migration and Integration 23 (3), 1443-1470, 2022
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