Koray Aydemir
Koray Aydemir
SBÜ Gülhane Tıp Fak. FTR AD
在 sbu.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
The effects of electrical stimulation combined with continuous passive motion versus isometric exercise on symptoms, functional capacity, quality of life and balance in knee …
F Tok, K Aydemir, F Peker, İ Safaz, MA Taşkaynatan, A Özgül
Rheumatology international 31, 177-181, 2011
Targeted muscle reinnervation: outcomes in treating chronic pain secondary to extremity amputation and phantom limb syndrome
CT McNamara, ML Iorio
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 36 (04), 235-240, 2020
The effects of balneotherapy on disease activity, functional status, pulmonary function and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
K Aydemir, F Tok, F Peker, I Safaz, MA Taskaynatan, A Ozgul
Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa 35 (5), 441-446, 2010
A different approach to the management of osteoarthritis in the knee: Ultrasound guided genicular nerve block
Y Demir, Ü Güzelküçük, K Tezel, K Aydemir, MAİ Taşkaynatan
Pain Medicine 18 (1), 181-183, 2017
An unusual case of osteoid osteoma clinically mimicking sacroiliitis
İ Duman, K Aydemir, AK Tan, K Dinçer, TA Kalyon
Clinical rheumatology 26, 1158-1160, 2007
Ultrasound findings of young and traumatic amputees with lower extremity residual limb pain in Turkey
K Aydemir, Y Demir, Ü Güzelküçük, K Tezel, B Yilmaz
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 96 (8), 572-577, 2017
Accuracy of ultrasound-guided suprascapular nerve block measured with neurostimulation
MA Taskaynatan, A Ozgul, K Aydemir, OO Koroglu, AK Tan
Rheumatology international 32, 2125-2128, 2012
Comparison of the effectiveness of anti-gravity treadmill exercises and underwater walking exercises on cardiorespiratory fitness, functional capacity and balance in stroke …
ÜD Duran, M Duran, E Tekin, Y Demir, K Aydemir, B Aras, E Yasar
Acta Neurologica Belgica 123 (2), 423-432, 2023
Assessment of the efficacy of gabapentin in carpal tunnel syndrome
I Duman, K Aydemir, A Ozgul, TA Kalyon
JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 14 (3), 175-177, 2008
Gülhane lower extremity amputee rehabilitation protocol: A nationwide, 123-year experience
Y Demir, K Aydemir
Turkish journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation 66 (4), 373, 2020
The use of and satisfaction with prosthesis and quality of life in patients with combat related lower limb amputation, experience of a tertiary referral amputee clinic in Turkey
Y Demir, NMÖ Atar, Ü Güzelküçük, K Aydemir, E Yaşar
Gülhane Tip Dergisi 61 (1), 6, 2019
Üst Ekstremite Tendon Yaralanmalarının Rehabilitasyonu.
K Aydemir, K Yazıcıoğlu
Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Sciences 14, 2011
The effects of stellate ganglion block with lidocaine and ultrasound in complex regional pain syndrome: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study
K Aydemir, MA Taskaynatan, K Yazicloglu, A Ozgul
J Rheumatol Med Rehabil 17 (3), 193-200, 2006
Kinesiophobia and associated factors in patients with traumatic lower extremity amputation
MÖ Atar, Y Demir, E Tekin, GK Kamacı, N Korkmaz, K Aydemir
Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 68 (4), 493, 2022
Unusual cases of acquired leukonychia totalis and partialis secondary to reflex sympathetic dystrophy
I Duman, K Aydemir, MA Taskaynatan, K Dincer
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 21 (10), 1445 …, 2007
The Efficacy of Intradiscal Steroid Injections in Degenerative Lumbar Disc Disease.
F Yavuz, MA Taşkaynatan, K Aydemir, A Özgül, AK Tan
Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Sciences, 2012
Yanık rehabilitasyonu
K Aydemir, MA Taskaynatan
Türk Bakım Yoğun Derneği Dergisi 9 (2), 70-7, 2011
Assessment of lower limb peripheral nerves with ultrasound in patients with traumatic amputation
İ Karabay, Y Demir, Ö Köroğlu, SG Aslan, K Aydemir, E Gürçay
Turkish journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation 67 (3), 357, 2021
A case of recurrent complex regional pain syndrome accompanying Raynaud’s disease: a prospective coincidence?
S Kesikburun, Z Günendi, K Aydemir, A Özgül, AK Tan
Agri 25 (2), 90-92, 2013
Efficacy of ultrasound in the diagnosis of biceps tendon dislocation
Y Demir, B Aras, K Aydemir, AK Tan
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 94 (9), e87-e88, 2015
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