Asep Handaya Saputra
Asep Handaya Saputra
在 che.ui.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Synthesis and characterization of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) from water hyacinth using ethanol-isobutyl alcohol mixture as the solvents
AH Saputra, L Qadhayna, AB Pitaloka
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications 5 (1), 36, 2014
General method for predicting the sand erosion rate of GFRP
K Tsuda, M Kubouchi, T Sakai, AH Saputra, N Mitomo
Wear 260 (9-10), 1045-1052, 2006
Pembuatan CMC dari selulosa eceng gondok dengan media reaksi campuran larutan isopropanol-isobutanol untuk mendapatkan viskositas dan kemurnian tinggi
AB Pitaloka, NA Hidayah, AH Saputra, M Nasikin
Jurnal integrasi proses 5 (2), 2015
Water hyacinth for superabsorbent polymer material
AB Pitaloka, AH Saputra, M Nasikin
World Applied Sciences Journal 22 (5), 747-754, 2013
Preparasi koloid nanosilver dengan berbagai jenis reduktor sebagai bahan anti bakteri
AH Saputra, A Haryono, JA Laksmono, MH Anshari
Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 12 (3), 202-208, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of CMC from water hyacinth cellulose using isobutyl-isopropyl alcohol mixture as reaction medium
AH Saputra, M Hapsari, AB Pitaloka
Eng. Sci 8 (33), 1571-1582, 2015
Peranan manajemen rantai pasokan terhadap kualitas produk dan efisiensi distribusi
S Padmantyo, A Saputra
Muhammadiyah University Press, 2017
Development of porous structured polyvinyl alcohol/zeolite/carbon composites as adsorbent
JA Laksmono, M Sudibandriyo, AH Saputra, A Haryono
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 201 (1), 012006, 2017
Synthesis and characterization of hydrogel from cellulose derivatives of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) through chemical cross-linking method by using citric acid
AH Saputra, M Hapsari, AB Pitaloka, P Wulan
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 10, 75-86, 2015
The effect of styrene monomer in the graft copolymerization of acrylonitrile onto deproteinized natural rubber
TI Sari, AH Saputra, S Bismo, DR Maspanger, A Cifriadi
International Journal of Technology 6 (7), 1164-1173, 2015
Risk adjustment model of credit life insurance using a genetic algorithm
A Saputra, E Rusyaman
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 332 (1), 012007, 2018
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) dari Selulosa Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dengan Media Reaksi Isopropanol Etanol
SM Wijaya, AB Pitaloka, AH Saputra
International Conference on Advance Material and Practical Nanotechnology …, 2014
Adsorption capacity study of ethanol-water mixture for zeolite, activated carbon, and polyvinyl alcohol
JA Laksmono, UA Pangesti, M Sudibandriyo, A Haryono, AH Saputra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 105 (1), 012025, 2018
Modification of natural rubber as a resistant material to dimethyl ether
TI Sari, AH Saputra, DR Maspanger, S Bismo
Journal of Applied Sciences 17 (2), 53-60, 2017
A geographical review of urban farming and urban heat island in developing countries
TA Ladan, MH Ibrahim, S Ali, A Saputra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (1), 012071, 2022
Structured polyvinyl alcohol/zeolite/carbon composites prepared using supercritical fluid extraction techniques as adsorbent for bioethanol dehydration
JA Laksmono, M Sudibandriyo, AH Saputra, A Haryono
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2019 (1), 6036479, 2019
Modifikasi epoksi dengan poliuretan tanpa melalui tahap prepolimer poliuretan
M Ghozali, AH Saputra, E Triwulandari, A Haryono
Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 15 (4), 208-213, 2018
Tracing the energy footprints of Indonesian manufacturing industry
Y Vivadinar, WW Purwanto, AH Saputra
Energy Science & Engineering 4 (6), 394-405, 2016
Mechanical reinforcements of composites made from fiber of fruit bunch palm oil by adding carbon nanotube
P Wulan, AH Saputra, WW Purwanto
Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res 3, 377-382, 2014
The effect of leader member exchange, job satisfaction and motivation on educational Personnels’ organizational commitment of Jakarta Mercu Buana University
A Saputra, E Ariyanto
International Review of Management and Marketing 9 (6), 58-66, 2019
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