Resource management with deep reinforcement learning H Mao, M Alizadeh, I Menache, S Kandula Proceedings of the 15th ACM workshop on hot topics in networks, 50-56, 2016 | 1337 | 2016 |
Q-cut—dynamic discovery of sub-goals in reinforcement learning I Menache, S Mannor, N Shimkin Machine Learning: ECML 2002: 13th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 2002 | 368 | 2002 |
Dynamic abstraction in reinforcement learning via clustering S Mannor, I Menache, A Hoze, U Klein Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning, 71, 2004 | 330 | 2004 |
Morpheus: Towards automated {SLOs} for enterprise clusters SA Jyothi, C Curino, I Menache, SM Narayanamurthy, A Tumanov, ... 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2016 | 314 | 2016 |
Resource management for cloud computing platforms N Jain, I Menache US Patent App. 13/169,923, 2011 | 276* | 2011 |
Surviving failures in bandwidth-constrained datacenters P Bodík, I Menache, M Chowdhury, P Mani, DA Maltz, I Stoica ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 42 (4), 431-442, 2012 | 257 | 2012 |
Basis function adaptation in temporal difference reinforcement learning I Menache, S Mannor, N Shimkin Annals of Operations Research 134 (1), 215-238, 2005 | 248 | 2005 |
Network-aware scheduling for data-parallel jobs: Plan when you can V Jalaparti, P Bodik, I Menache, S Rao, K Makarychev, M Caesar ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 45 (4), 407-420, 2015 | 238 | 2015 |
Flows and decompositions of games: Harmonic and potential games O Candogan, I Menache, A Ozdaglar, PA Parrilo Mathematics of Operations Research 36 (3), 474-503, 2011 | 202 | 2011 |
Calendaring for wide area networks S Kandula, I Menache, R Schwartz, SR Babbula Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on SIGCOMM, 515-526, 2014 | 189 | 2014 |
Speeding up Distributed Request-Response Workflows V Jalaparti, P Bodik, S Kandula, I Menache, M Rybalkin, C Yan Sigcomm, 2013 | 189 | 2013 |
Network games: Theory, models, and dynamics A Ozdaglar, I Menache Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2011 | 156 | 2011 |
Protean: VM Allocation Service at Scale O Hadary, L Marshall, I Menache, A Pan, EE Greeff, D Dion, S Dorminey, ... 14th {USENIX} Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation …, 2020 | 138 | 2020 |
Dynamic pricing and traffic engineering for timely inter-datacenter transfers V Jalaparti, I Bliznets, S Kandula, B Lucier, I Menache Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, 73-86, 2016 | 137 | 2016 |
Online job-migration for reducing the electricity bill in the cloud N Buchbinder, N Jain, I Menache NETWORKING 2011: 10th International IFIP TC 6 Networking Conference …, 2011 | 126 | 2011 |
Near-optimal scheduling mechanisms for deadline-sensitive jobs in large computing clusters N Jain, I Menache, J Naor, J Yaniv ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) 2 (1), 1-29, 2015 | 112 | 2015 |
Co-location-resistant clouds Y Azar, S Kamara, I Menache, M Raykova, B Shepard Proceedings of the 6th Edition of the ACM Workshop on Cloud Computing …, 2014 | 106 | 2014 |
On-demand, spot, or both: Dynamic resource allocation for executing batch jobs in the cloud I Menache, O Shamir, N Jain 11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 14), 177-187, 2014 | 103 | 2014 |
TEAVAR: striking the right utilization-availability balance in WAN traffic engineering J Bogle, N Bhatia, M Ghobadi, I Menache, N Bjørner, A Valadarsky, ... Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, 29-43, 2019 | 100 | 2019 |
Near-optimal power control in wireless networks: a potential game approach UO Candogan, I Menache, A Ozdaglar, PA Parrilo INFOCOM, 2010 Proceedings IEEE, 1-9, 2010 | 99 | 2010 |