Dr.Saiyed Faiayaz Waris
Dr.Saiyed Faiayaz Waris
Vignan's Foundation for Science ,Technology & Research ( Deemed to be University)
在 vignan.ac.in 的电子邮件经过验证
Heart disease early prediction using a novel machine learning method called improved K-Nearest neighbor classifier in python
SF Waris, S Koteeswaran
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
IoT as a health guide tool
SH Raju, LR Burra, SF Waris, S Kavitha
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (4), 042015, 2020
Tourism enhancer app: user-friendliness of a map with relevant features
RDS Hrushikesava, RB Lakshmi, K Ashok, SF Waris
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2), 022067, 2020
Smart gas monitoring system for home and industries
M Kavitha, SH Raju, SF Waris, A Koulagaji
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2), 022003, 2020
Smart catcher of weighted objects
R Mothukuri, SH Raju, S Dorababu, SF Waris
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2), 022002, 2020
Smart instant charging of power banks
N Sunanda, SH Raju, SF Waris, A Koulagaji
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2), 022066, 2020
Smart Eye Testing
SH Raju, LR Burra, SF Waris, S Kavitha, S Dorababu
International Conference on Intelligent and Smart Computing in Data …, 2021
IoT as a Health Guide Tool, IOP Conference Series
DSH Raju, DLR Burra, SF Waris, S Kavitha
Materials Science and Engineering 981 (4), 10.1088, 2020
Intelligent voice assistant by using OpenCV approach
CHMH Saibaba, SF Waris, SH Raju, V Sarma, VC Jadala, C Prasad
2021 second international conference on electronics and sustainable …, 2021
Smart Eye Testing, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021, ISCDA 2020, 1312 AISC
S Hrushikesava Raju, LR Burra, SF Waris, S Kavitha, S Dorababu
Smart dark pattern detection: Making aware of misleading patterns through the intended app
SH Raju, SF Waris, S Adinarayna, VC Jadala, GS Rao
Sentimental Analysis and Deep Learning: Proceedings of ICSADL 2021, 933-947, 2022
Smart Instant Charging of Power Banks SMART INSTANT CHARGING OF POWER BANKS, IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering
N Sunanda, SH Raju, SF Waris, A Koulagaji
SRITW, Warangal, Telangana, India 981, 210, 2020
Analysis of cluster head selection methods in WSN
A Arulmurugan, SF Waris, N Bhagyalakshmi
2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies …, 2021
International Currency Translator using IoT for shopping
H Saiyed Faiayaz Waris, M Santhi, S Dorababu
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (4), 042014, 2020
A Hybrid Framework for Efficient Detection of Fake Currency Notes
M Santhi, S Hrushikesava Raju, S Adinarayna, V Lokanadham Naidu, ...
Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2022
An Efficient Patch Based Local Principal Component Analysis Technique In Image Denoising Process With Soft Computing Approach”
SFW Dr.Suresh
International of Scientific and Technology Research 9 (01), 4437-4441, 2020
Smart Food Fare Canteen: Automation of Bills and Serving
R Mothukuri, SH Raju, S Adinarayna, VC Jadala, SF Waris, GS Rao
Sentimental Analysis and Deep Learning, 475-486, 2022
A survey on heart disease early prediction methodologies
SF Waris
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (9 …, 2021
An Investigation on Disease Diagnosis and Prediction by Using Modified KMean clustering and Combined CNN and ELM Classification Techniques
SK saiyed faiayaz waris
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 14 …, 2022
Prediction of heart conditions by consensus K-nearest neighbor algorithm and convolution neural network
SF Waris, S Koteeswaran
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 13 …, 2022
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