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Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on chronic diseases care follow-up and current perspectives in low resource settings: a narrative review
G Fekadu, F Bekele, T Tolossa, G Fetensa, E Turi, M Getachew, E Abdisa, ...
International journal of physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology 13 (3), 86, 2021
Challenges and factors associated with poor glycemic control among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at Nekemte Referral Hospital, Western Ethiopia
G Fekadu, K Bula, G Bayisa, E Turi, T Tolossa, HK Kasaye
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 963-974, 2019
Time to recovery from COVID-19 and its predictors among patients admitted to treatment center of Wollega University Referral Hospital (WURH), Western Ethiopia: survival …
T Tolossa, B Wakuma, D Seyoum Gebre, E Merdassa Atomssa, ...
Plos one 16 (6), e0252389, 2021
Prevalence and associated factors of foot ulcer among diabetic patients in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
T Tolossa, B Mengist, D Mulisa, G Fetensa, E Turi, A Abajobir
BMC public health 20, 1-14, 2020
Self-medication practices and associated factors among health-care professionals in selected hospitals of Western Ethiopia
G Fekadu, D Dugassa, GZ Negera, TB Woyessa, E Turi, T Tolossa, ...
Patient preference and adherence, 353-361, 2020
An up to date on clinical prospects and management of osteoarthritis
M Maqbool, G Fekadu, X Jiang, F Bekele, T Tolossa, E Turi, G Fetensa, ...
Annals of Medicine and Surgery 72, 103077, 2021
Why too soon? Early initiation of sexual intercourse among adolescent females in Ethiopia: evidence from 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey
E Turi, BT Merga, G Fekadu, AA Abajobir
International journal of women's health, 269-275, 2020
Attitude of health professionals towards COVID-19 vaccination and associated factors among health professionals, Western Ethiopia: A cross-sectional survey
T Tolossa, B Wakuma, E Turi, D Mulisa, D Ayala, G Fetensa, B Mengist, ...
PloS one 17 (3), e0265061, 2022
Prevalence of anemia and its associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care follow up at Wollega University referral hospital, Western Ethiopia
G Kejela, A Wakgari, T Tesfaye, E Turi, M Adugna, N Alemu, L Jebessa
Contraception and reproductive medicine 5, 1-8, 2020
The impact of antenatal care on maternal near-miss events in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
E Turi, G Fekadu, B Taye, G Kejela, M Desalegn, G Mosisa, W Etafa, ...
International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 13, 100246, 2020
Neonatal sepsis risk factors in public hospitals in Wollega zones, Ethiopia: case control study
W Etafa, G Fetensa, R Tsegaye, B Wakuma, V Sundararajan, G Bayisa, ...
PAMJ-One Health 7 (2), 2022
The pattern of substance abuse in the psychiatry department of a tertiary care of Srinagar hospital, Jammu and Kashmir, India
M Maqbool, G Fekadu, D Dugassa, F Bekele, E Turi, D Simegnew
Archives of Neuroscience 7 (4), 2020
Early resumption of sexual intercourse and its associated factors among postpartum women in western ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
ET Jambola, AA Gelagay, AK Belew, AA Abajobir
International Journal of Women's Health, 381-391, 2020
Association between pregnancy intention and late initiation of antenatal care among pregnant women in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
T Tolossa, E Turi, G Fetensa, G Fekadu, F Kebede
Systematic reviews 9, 1-10, 2020
Impact of HIV status and predictors of successful treatment outcomes among tuberculosis patients: A six-year retrospective cohort study
G Fekadu, E Turi, T Kasu, F Bekele, L Chelkeba, T Tolossa, BG Labata, ...
Annals of Medicine and Surgery 60, 531-541, 2020
Perceived Self-Efficacy and Associated Factors Among Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Public Hospitals of Western Ethiopia, 2020
TE Oluma A, Abadiga M, Mosisa G, Fekadu G
Patient Prefer Adherence. 14, 1689-1698, 2020
Men’s involvement in family planning service utilization among married men in Kondala district, western Ethiopia: a community-based comparative cross-sectional study
L Assefa, Z Shasho, HK Kasaye, E Tesa, E Turi, G Fekadu
Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 6 (1), 16, 2021
High perceived stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS in a resource limited setting in Western Ethiopia: the effect of depression and low social support
E Turi, D Simegnew, G Fekadu, T Tolossa, M Desalegn, L Bayisa, ...
HIV/AIDS-Research and Palliative Care, 389-397, 2021
Fertility desire and associated factors among people living with HIV in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
G Mosisa, R Tsegaye, B Wakuma, D Mulisa, W Etefa, M Abadiga, ...
Archives of Public Health 78, 1-16, 2020
Determinants of diarrhea in under-five children among health extension model and non-model families in Wama Hagelo District, West Ethiopia: community-based comparative cross …
D Bekele, E Merdassa, M Desalegn, G Mosisa, E Turi
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2803-2815, 2021
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