Nicholas Kinney
Nicholas Kinney
Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
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Estimating the number of genetic mutations (hits) required for carcinogenesis based on the distribution of somatic mutations
R Anandakrishnan, RT Varghese, NA Kinney, HR Garner
PLoS computational biology 15 (3), e1006881, 2019
Genomic composition and evolution of Aedes aegyptichromosomes revealed by the analysis of physically mapped supercontigs
VA Timoshevskiy, NA Kinney, BS deBruyn, C Mao, Z Tu, DW Severson, ...
Bmc Biology 12, 1-13, 2014
Chromosome–nuclear envelope attachments affect interphase chromosome territories and entanglement
NA Kinney, IV Sharakhov, AV Onufriev
Epigenetics & chromatin 11, 1-18, 2018
Differentiating between cancer and normal tissue samples using multi-hit combinations of genetic mutations
S Dash, NA Kinney, RT Varghese, HR Garner, W Feng, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1005, 2019
Investigation of the chromosome regions with significant affinity for the nuclear envelope in fruit fly–a model based approach
NA Kinney, IV Sharakhov, AV Onufriev
PLoS One 9 (3), e91943, 2014
Mitotic-Chromosome-Based Physical Mapping of the Culex quinquefasciatus Genome
AN Naumenko, VA Timoshevskiy, NA Kinney, AA Kokhanenko, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0115737, 2015
Structural Variation of the X Chromosome Heterochromatin in the Anopheles gambiae Complex
A Sharma, NA Kinney, VA Timoshevskiy, MV Sharakhova, IV Sharakhov
Genes 11 (3), 327, 2020
Quantified effects of chromosome-nuclear envelope attachments on 3D organization of chromosomes
NA Kinney, AV Onufriev, IV Sharakhov
Nucleus 6 (3), 212-224, 2015
Three-dimensional organization of polytene chromosomes in somatic and germline tissues of malaria mosquitoes
P George, NA Kinney, J Liang, AV Onufriev, IV Sharakhov
Cells 9 (2), 339, 2020
CAGm: a repository of germline microsatellite variations in the 1000 genomes project
N Kinney, K Titus-Glover, JD Wren, RT Varghese, P Michalak, H Liao, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (D1), D39-D45, 2019
ZDHHC3 as a Risk and Mortality Marker for Breast Cancer in African American Women
N Kinney, RT Varghese, R Anandakrishnan, HRS Garner
Cancer informatics 16, 1176935117746644, 2017
Ethnically biased microsatellites contribute to differential gene expression and glutathione metabolism in Africans and Europeans
N Kinney, L Kang, H Bains, E Lawson, M Husain, K Husain, I Sandhu, ...
PLoS One 16 (3), e0249148, 2021
Strong interactions between highly dynamic lamina-associated domains and the nuclear envelope stabilize the 3D architecture of Drosophila interphase chromatin
IS Tolokh, NA Kinney, IV Sharakhov, AV Onufriev
Epigenetics & Chromatin 16 (1), 21, 2023
Abundance of ethnically biased microsatellites in human gene regions
N Kinney, L Kang, L Eckstrand, A Pulenthiran, P Samuel, ...
PLoS One 14 (12), e0225216, 2019
Crossing complexity of space-filling curves reveals entanglement of S-phase DNA
N Kinney, M Hickman, R Anandakrishnan, HR Garner
Plos one 15 (8), e0238322, 2020
Correction: Mitotic-chromosome-based physical mapping of the Culex quinquefasciatus genome
AN Naumenko, VA Timoshevskiy, NA Kinney, AA Kokhanenko, ...
PloS one 10 (5), e0127565, 2015
DNA sequencing of anatomy lab cadavers to provide hands-on precision medicine introduction to medical students
R Anandakrishnan, TL Carpenetti, P Samuel, B Wasko, C Johnson, ...
BMC Medical Education 20, 1-14, 2020
Estimating the prevalence of text overlap in biomedical conference abstracts
N Kinney, A Wubah, M Roig, HR Garner
Research Integrity and Peer Review 6, 1-13, 2021
Germline microsatellite genotypes differentiate children with medulloblastoma
S Rivero-Hinojosa, N Kinney, HR Garner, BR Rood
Neuro-oncology 22 (1), 152-162, 2020
3D architecture of Drosophila interphase chromatin is stabilized by relatively strong attractive interactions between highly-dynamic lamina-associated domains and nuclear envelope
IS Tolokh, NA Kinney, IV Sharakhov, AV Onufriev
Biophysical Journal 121 (3), 362a, 2022
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