Jonathan Houdmont
Jonathan Houdmont
Assistant Professor of Occupational Health Psychology, University of Nottingham
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Rail passenger crowding, stress, health and safety in Britain
T Cox, J Houdmont, A Griffiths
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 40 (3), 244-258, 2006
Evaluating organizational-level work stress interventions: Beyond traditional methods
T Cox, M Karanika, A Griffiths, J Houdmont
Work & Stress 21 (4), 348-362, 2007
Self-determination theory: A theoretical and empirical overview in occupational health psychology
A Van den Broeck, M Vansteenkiste, H De Witte
Occupational health psychology: European perspectives on research, education …, 2008
Testing a model of officer intentions to quit: The mediating effects of job stress and job satisfaction
AF Allisey, AJ Noblet, AD Lamontagne, J Houdmont
Criminal justice and behavior 41 (6), 751-771, 2014
Occupational health psychology
S Leka, J Houdmont
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Psychosocial factors and economic recession: the Stormont Study
J Houdmont, R Kerr, K Addley
Occupational Medicine 62 (2), 98-104, 2012
Work engagement and its association with occupational sitting time: results from the Stormont study
F Munir, J Houdmont, S Clemes, K Wilson, R Kerr, K Addley
BMC public health 15, 1-12, 2015
Descriptive epidemiology of domain-specific sitting in working adults: the Stormont Study
SA Clemes, J Houdmont, F Munir, K Wilson, R Kerr, K Addley
Journal of Public Health 38 (1), 53-60, 2016
Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology, Volume 1: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice
J Houdmont, S Leka
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Organisational psychosocial hazard exposures in UK policing: Management Standards Indicator Tool reference values
J Houdmont, R Kerr, R Randall
Policing: an international journal of police strategies & management 35 (1 …, 2012
Effort–reward imbalance and burnout among humanitarian aid workers
L Jachens, J Houdmont, R Thomas
Disasters 43 (1), 67-87, 2019
Overweight and obesity in UK firefighters
F Munir, S Clemes, J Houdmont, R Randall
Occupational medicine 62 (5), 362-365, 2012
Work-related stress case definitions and prevalence rates in national surveys
J Houdmont, T Cox, A Griffiths
Occupational Medicine 60 (8), 658-661, 2010
The Management Standards Indicator Tool and the estimation of risk
A Bevan, J Houdmont, N Menear
Occupational Medicine 60 (7), 525-531, 2010
Work‐related stress in a humanitarian context: a qualitative investigation
L Jachens, J Houdmont, R Thomas
Disasters 42 (4), 619-634, 2018
Application of multiple behaviour change models to identify determinants of farmers’ biosecurity attitudes and behaviours
IF Richens, J Houdmont, W Wapenaar, O Shortall, J Kaler, H O’Connor, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 155, 61-74, 2018
What does a single-item measure of job stressfulness assess?
J Houdmont, L Jachens, R Randall, S Hopson, S Nuttall, S Pamia
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (9), 1480, 2019
Sun safety measures among construction workers in Britain
P Madgwick, J Houdmont, R Randall
Occupational Medicine 61 (6), 430-433, 2011
Working hours and common mental disorders in English police officers
J Houdmont, R Randall
Occupational medicine 66 (9), 713-718, 2016
The impact of two workplace-based health risk appraisal interventions on employee lifestyle parameters, mental health and work ability: results of a randomized controlled trial
K Addley, S Boyd, R Kerr, P McQuillan, J Houdmont, M McCrory
Health education research 29 (2), 247-258, 2014
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