Mario Cuoco
Mario Cuoco
Senior Researcher CNR SPIN
在 spin.cnr.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Towards oxide electronics: a roadmap
M Coll, J Fontcuberta, M Althammer, M Bibes, H Boschker, A Calleja, ...
Applied surface science 482, 1-93, 2019
Berry phase engineering at oxide interfaces
DJ Groenendijk, C Autieri, TC van Thiel, W Brzezicki, JR Hortensius, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023404, 2020
Edge states and topological insulating phases generated by curving a nanowire with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
P Gentile, M Cuoco, C Ortix
Physical Review Letters 115 (25), 256801, 2015
Spin-active interfaces and unconventional pairing in half-metal/superconductor junctions
J Linder, M Cuoco, A Sudbø
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (17), 174526, 2010
Energy bands and Fermi surface of
C Noce, M Cuoco
Physical Review B 59 (4), 2659, 1999
Probing spin-orbital-lattice correlations in systems
M Cuoco, F Forte, C Noce
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (9), 094428, 2006
Spin-orbital order modified by orbital dilution in transition-metal oxides: From spin defects to frustrated spins polarizing host orbitals
W Brzezicki, AM Oleś, M Cuoco
Physical Review X 5 (1), 011037, 2015
Electronic structure trends in the SrRuO family ()
M Malvestuto, E Carleschi, R Fittipaldi, E Gorelov, E Pavarini, M Cuoco, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (16), 165121, 2011
Interplay of Coulomb interactions and -axis octahedra distortions in single-layer ruthenates
M Cuoco, F Forte, C Noce
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (19), 195124, 2006
Spin-Orbital Excitations in Revealed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
L Das, F Forte, R Fittipaldi, CG Fatuzzo, V Granata, O Ivashko, M Horio, ...
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011048, 2018
Challenges in identifying chiral spin textures via the topological Hall effect
G Kimbell, C Kim, W Wu, M Cuoco, JWA Robinson
Communications Materials 3 (1), 19, 2022
Theoretical study of the optical conductivity of
M Cuoco, P Horsch, F Mack
Physical Review B 60 (12), R8438, 1999
Designing electron spin textures and spin interferometers by shape deformations
ZJ Ying, P Gentile, C Ortix, M Cuoco
Physical Review B 94 (8), 081406, 2016
Renormalized band structure of Sr2RuO4: A quasiparticle tight-binding approach
VB Zabolotnyy, DV Evtushinsky, AA Kordyuk, TK Kim, E Carleschi, ...
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 191, 48-53, 2013
Coexistence of ferromagnetism and singlet superconductivity via kinetic exchange
M Cuoco, P Gentile, C Noce
Physical review letters 91 (19), 197003, 2003
Electrically tunable superconductivity through surface orbital polarization
MT Mercaldo, P Solinas, F Giazotto, M Cuoco
Physical Review Applied 14 (3), 034041, 2020
Unveiling mechanisms of electric field effects on superconductors by a magnetic field response
L Bours, MT Mercaldo, M Cuoco, E Strambini, F Giazotto
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033353, 2020
Magnetic anisotropy and orbital ordering in
DG Porter, V Granata, F Forte, S Di Matteo, M Cuoco, R Fittipaldi, ...
Physical Review B 98 (12), 125142, 2018
Proximity effect between an unconventional superconductor and a ferromagnet with spin bandwidth asymmetry
M Cuoco, A Romano, C Noce, P Gentile
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (5), 054503, 2008
Spin-sensitive long-range proximity effect in ferromagnet/spin-triplet-superconductor bilayers
G Annunziata, M Cuoco, C Noce, A Sudbø, J Linder
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (6), 060508, 2011
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