Jina Jeong
Jina Jeong
Professor of School of Earth System Sciences, Kyungpook National University
在 knu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Comparative applications of data-driven models representing water table fluctuations
J Jeong, E Park
Journal of Hydrology 572, 261-273, 2019
Identifying outliers of non-Gaussian groundwater state data based on ensemble estimation for long-term trends
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, K Kim, S Choung, IM Chung
Journal of Hydrology 548, 135-144, 2017
Estimation of groundwater level based on the robust training of recurrent neural networks using corrupted data
J Jeong, E Park, H Chen, KY Kim, WS Han, H Suk
Journal of Hydrology 582, 124512, 2020
A shallow water table fluctuation model in response to precipitation with consideration of unsaturated gravitational flow
J Jeong, E Park
Water Resources Research 53 (4), 3505-3512, 2017
A generalized groundwater fluctuation model based on precipitation for estimating water table levels of deep unconfined aquifers
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, KY Kim, H Suk, SB Jo
Journal of hydrology 562, 749-757, 2018
A subagging regression method for estimating the qualitative and quantitative state of groundwater
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, KY Kim
Hydrogeol J 25, 1491-1500, 2017
Non-parametric simulations-based conditional stochastic predictions of geologic heterogeneities and leakage potentials for hypothetical CO2 sequestration sites
WS Han, KY Kim, S Choung, J Jeong, NH Jung, E Park
Environmental earth sciences 71, 2739-2752, 2014
Theoretical development of the history matching method for subsurface characterizations based on simulated annealing algorithm
J Jeong, E Park
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 180, 545-558, 2019
A novel data assimilation methodology for predicting lithology based on sequence labeling algorithms
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, KY Kim
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (10), 7503-7520, 2014
CO2 Leakage‐Induced Contamination in Shallow Potable Aquifer and Associated Health Risk Assessment
CY Kim, WS Han, E Park, J Jeong, T Xu
Geofluids 2018 (1), 4834601, 2018
Interpreting the subsurface lithofacies at high lithological resolution by integrating information from well‐log data and rock‐core digital images
J Jeong, E Park, I Emelyanova, M Pervukhina, L Esteban, ST Yun
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (2), e2019JB018204, 2020
A method of estimating sequential average unsaturated zone travel times from precipitation and water table level time series data
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, KY Kim, J Oh, K Ha, H Yoon, ST Yun
Journal of Hydrology 554, 570-581, 2017
Application of conditional generative model for sonic log estimation considering measurement uncertainty
J Jeong, E Park, I Emelyanova, M Pervukhina, L Esteban, ST Yun
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 196, 108028, 2021
Analyses and numerical evaluation of integrated time-series monitoring datasets including CO2 concentration and fluxes at controlled CO2 release site in South Korea
DH Seo, WS Han, E Park, J Jeong, YY Oh, HJ Kim, G Yoo, SC Jun, ...
Journal of Hydrology 590, 125213, 2020
A predictive estimation method for carbon dioxide transport by data-driven modeling with a physically-based data model
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, KY Kim, SC Jun, S Choung, ST Yun, J Oh, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 206, 34-42, 2017
A method for integrating delayed recharge flux through unsaturated zones into analytical and numerical groundwater flow modeling
E Park, J Jeong, S Choung, WS Han, KY Kim, H Suk
Water Resources Research 57 (3), e2020WR027655, 2021
Feasibility study to optimize a near-surface sensor network design for improving detectability of CO2 leakage at a geologic storage site
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, KY Kim, ST Yun
Journal of hydrology 572, 32-39, 2019
Depth-dependent seismicity and crustal heterogeneity in South Korea
TW Chung, MZ Iqbal, Y Lee, K Yoshimoto, J Jeong
Tectonophysics 749, 12-20, 2018
The geochemistry and isotopic compositions of the Nakdong River, Korea: weathering and anthropogenic effects
G Keum, Y Kim, KS Lee, J Jeong
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194 (7), 487, 2022
A study of hypocentral depth of Pohang earthquake
TW Chung, Y Lee, MZ Iqbal, J Jeong
Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration 21 (2), 125-131, 2018
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