Karina Stankevica
Karina Stankevica
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Freshwater sapropel (gyttja): its description, properties and opportunities of use in contemporary agriculture.
K Stankevica, Z Vincevica-Gaile, M Klavins
Agronomy Research 14 (3), 2016
Granulation of fly ash and biochar with organic lake sediments–A way to sustainable utilization of waste from bioenergy production
Z Vincevica-Gaile, K Stankevica, K Irtiseva, A Shishkin, V Obuka, S Celma, ...
Biomass and bioenergy 125, 23-33, 2019
Accumulation of metals in sapropel
K Stankevica, M Klavins, L Rutina
Rigas Tehniskas Universitates Zinatniskie Raksti 26, 99, 2012
Impact of micro-and macroelement content on potential use of freshwater sediments (gyttja) derived from lakes of eastern Latvia
Z Vincevica-Gaile, K Stankevica
Environmental geochemistry and health 40 (5), 1725-1738, 2018
Reconstruction of the Holocene palaeoenvironmental conditions accordingly to the multiproxy sedimentary records from Lake Pilvelis, Latvia
K Stankevica, L Kalnina, M Klavins, A Cerina, L Ustupe, E Kaup
Quaternary International 386, 102-115, 2015
Sapropelis un tā izmantošanas iespējas (Sapropel and Its Application Possibilities)
K Stankevica, M Kļavins
Material Science and Applied Chemistry 29, 109-126, 2013
Lake sapropel: a valuable resource and indicator of lake development
K Stankevica, M Klavins, L Rutina, A Cerina
Advances in Environment, Computational Chemistry and Bioscience. Riga, 247-252, 2012
Accumulation of metals and changes in composition of freshwater lake organic sediments during the Holocene
K Stankevica, Z Vincevica-Gaile, M Klavins, L Kalnina, N Stivrins, ...
Chemical Geology 539, 119502, 2020
Trace element concentration and stable isotope ratio analysis in blueberries and bilberries: A tool for quality and authenticity control
L Klavins, I Maaga, M Bertins, AL Hykkerud, K Karppinen, Č Bobinas, ...
Foods 10 (3), 567, 2021
Role of humic substances in agriculture and variability of their content in freshwater lake sapropel
K Stankevica, Z Vincevica-Gaile, M Klavins
Records of the anthropogenic influence on different origin small lake sediments of Latvia.
K Stankevica, A Pujate, L Kalnina, M Klavins, A Cerina, A Drucka
Baltica 28 (2), 2015
Microbial community analysis of sapropel (gyttja) derived from small overgrowing lakes in the eastern Latvia
K Stankevica, Z Vincevica-Gaile, O Muter
Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Baltic Microbiologists, 66-82, 2015
On the Way to Sustainable Peat-Free Soil Amendments.
Z Vincevica-Gaile, K Stankevica, M Klavins, RH Setyobudi, D Damat, ...
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 37, 2021
Organic rich freshwater sediments (sapropel) as potential soil amendment for recultivation of areas contaminated with heavy metals
K Stankevica, J Burlakovs, M Klavins
SGEM2013 Conference Proceedings, 595-602, 2013
Sapropel as an adhesive: assessment of essential properties.
V Obuka, K Veitmans, Z Vincevica-Gaile, K Stankevica, M Klavins
Environmental and economic aspects of small freshwater lake sustainable use: Lake Pilvelis example
K Stankevica, J Burlakovs, M Klavins, Z Vincevica-Gaile
Proceedings of 14th SGEM GeoConference on Science and Technologies in …, 2014
Character of sapropel properties based on its formation conditionsand possibilities of its use
K Stankeviča
Latvijas Universitāte, 2020
Removal of heavy metals from contaminated soils by elektrokinetic remediation.
J Burlakovs, K Stankevica, I Hassan, R Janovskis, S Lacis
Testing sapropel (gyttja) as soil amendment: assessment of plant germination and early seedling development.
Z Vincevica-Gaile, M Stapkevica, K Stankevica, J Burlakovs
Data on physical and chemical characterization of wood combustion products derived at cogeneration power plants
Z Vincevica-Gaile, K Stankevica, M Klavins, A Trubaca-Boginska
Data in Brief 36, 106994, 2021
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